116th Anniversary of the proclamation of Philippine Independence day: PHILIPPINE NATIONAL DAY MESSAGES

2014 National Day_Photo of Philippine Vice President Jejomar Binay
2014 National Day_Photo of Philippine Vice President Jejomar Binay

Warmest greetings to all my fellow Filipinos abroad as we celebrate our nation’s 116th Day of Independence!
Over the recent past, our nation has been making great strides towards economic progress. Even amid such growth, however, there remains the concern that many Filipinos still live in poverty.
I have always reiterated that for our progress to have meaning, we must be able to share our economic gains with the poor who will stand to benefit most from it. We have regained our freedom and liberty as a nation, now we must strive to perfect such independence for our people.
Our war now is not against an external oppressor, but against poverty, which for years has been the malevolent spirit haunting our people. If we are to be truly free, we must provide the poor with the means to be able to live meaningful lives.
I am confident that as before, through our close cooperation, we can once again break the chains of poverty that prevents our flight.
Again, Happy Independence Day to all of us.
Mabuhay kayo!
Vice President
Republic of the Philippines