POEM: Ode to Man

-Farah Naz

Oh, Men I wish you knew
how I admire to see you!
When I am your daughter
I want you to feel
I am that part of your life
You took pride in making,
as I carry half of your genetic make-up.
You would protect me, nurture me,
and provide me beyond any worldly means,
teach me about life and living being a father.
You would teach me the right from the wrong,
Instil in me values that I’d be strong.
You would say to hold up my head high
so, I can carry myself with pride.
I would like to tell the world
that a father like you has a heart of gold
and a solid character which shines above all.
My pillar when I know I would fall.
Be my anchor, so strong and tall,
a firm foundation that I stand on
during the storms of life.

Oh Men, I wish you to see me
as your most beloved one,
whom you would cherish throughout time
being the love of your life.
In me, you will see a soul
whom you would love to fondle,
make love with the passion of unseen heaven
that meant to be true beyond celestial means.
I want to feel warm and comfortable
in your amorous caress.
I want you to feel that I am your equal half.
I also want to hold you in my tender arms,
close to my bosom and breathe from your breath.
I want to kiss you with equal depth.
I want you to feel that our union
makes the God’s world glow.
And I want you to treasure such divinity of love.
I would want you to know that,
be someone whom I would look up to
with all my chaste virtues.

Oh, Men I want your affection
like soothing canopy of an Oak being my brother.
I want to see the invisible bond of sibling’s love
which mould our lives together in harmony.
When I struggle through the moments of despair,
be that someone so bold to come
to my defence as a warrior.
I want you to be the one assuring me
that odd will fade out.
I want you to know a brother’s love
is a sister’s greatest treasure.


Oh Men, I want you to know
how my womb nourished you
with every drop of my blood and sweat.
Through me, you breathe for long nine months.
The invisible bond of umbilical cords
hold much stronger love above all.
I suckled you and fed you.
I taught you to stand and learn.
I passed numerous sleepless nights
for your upbringing and wellbeing of life.
When I am your mother,
let your hands be my comfort,
lifting me up when I fall short.
A sturdy and assured hand to hold on
in times of stress and strife.
Let your eyes glow with love and respect,
when you look at me and never you forget
that once your tiny fingers held on to me.
Let my heart find solace in your warmth.
Let me find a source of strength and support
when I look at you as my son.

Oh Men, in you I want to discover a pleasant soul.
As your companion I want to feel
secure in your presence.
I want to put my trust on you
when I work with you at any time of the day.
In times of difficult needs
I want to rely on a gentle soul to ease
my unresolved distress.

Oh Men, you have many beautiful
phases of life to live on.
From the time immemorial
You have been the half part of the procreation.

You have been the equal provider
of love, shelter and shield.
In you, I see a loving father, a caring partner
an affectionate brother, a dotting son,
a comforting confidant and a modest man.
Oh men, let us glorify those bonds
that embellish life.
Oh Men, be a human!