Mymensingh DIG, SP meet journos


Staff Reporter Mymensingh :

The new DIG of Mymensingh range. Mohammad Ashrafur Rahman said, soon the police will start working in full swing for the welfare of the people and society. He requested everyone’s cooperation to make the police work normally.
He said these things in view exchange meeting with media persons at Police Lines Kalyan Shed in the city on Monday morning.
Newcomer Superintendent of Police Azizul Islam, General Secretary of Mymensingh Press Club Amit Roy, President of Mymensingh Reporters Unity Saiful Islam, President of Mymensingh Journalist Union Ayub Ali, General Secretary of Mymensingh Divisional Press Club also spoke at the meeting.
Journalist leaders including Nazrul Islam. Senior police officers and journalists from print and electronic media were present on the occasion.
