Movement to continue until voting rights are ensured: Tarique


Staff Reporter :

BNP Acting Chairman Tarique Rahman on Saturday vowed that the ongoing movement will persist until voting rights are fully guaranteed, with the ultimate goal of establishing an accountable government in Bangladesh.

Speaking virtually at a memorial event held at Enayetpur High School grounds in Sirajganj, Rahman emphasised the importance of ensuring the people’s right to vote. The event was organised by BNP leaders from Enayetpur, Belkuchi, and Chowhali upazilas.

“Through the strong movements of students and the masses, the people have liberated the country from dictatorship. However, we have only achieved a small portion of our overall goal. We must now ensure the people’s voting rights and establish a truly accountable government,” Rahman said.

He also criticised the current administration, stating, “Autocrat Hasina may have fled, but her ghosts still linger, attempting to destabilise the nation.” Rahman stressed that the BNP’s movement will not cease until the people’s voting rights are fully secured.

“For the sake of establishing voting rights, we have endured countless struggles and made significant sacrifices,” Rahman added.

The BNP leader praised the resilience of the Bangladeshi people, noting their success in reclaiming the right to free speech through immense sacrifices.


He further commented on his efforts to connect with rural communities, saying, “I have made numerous attempts to reach the rural people of Bangladesh.

If we are to make the country self-reliant, we must work together. Bangladesh is a nation with vast potential and numerous opportunities. We must prioritise regional production to boost the economy.”

Rahman also reminded the audience of the BNP’s 31-point proposal aimed at introducing reforms to all areas of governance, with the aim of building a prosperous and stable nation.

At the same event, BNP Senior Joint-Secretary General Ruhul Kabir Rizvi highlighted Rahman’s crucial role in orchestrating the movement that led to the fall of the Hasina-led government.

He also praised the student community and youth, acknowledging their courage in risking their lives to free the nation from dictatorship.

Rizvi further remarked that even Indian media had recently criticised the Awami League’s failure to bring the BNP into the election, describing it as one of the ruling party’s gravest mistakes.
