Miscreants may attempt to disrupt Durga Puja

Says Gayeshwar


Staff Reporter :

BNP Standing Committee member Gayeshwar Chandra Roy has stated that allies of fascists are attempting to destabilize the country using Durga Puja as a pretext, but their efforts will not succeed.

He made these remarks after paying tribute at the grave of BNP founder, the late President Ziaur Rahman, on the occasion of the founding anniversary of ‘Zia Manch 31’ in Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka, on Sunday.

Gayeshwar Chandra Roy said, “There have been some incidents, but many rumors are also being spread. The fascist allies who defected on August 5 will try to cause sabotage.

On behalf of the BNP, following the instructions of our Acting Chairman Tarique Rahman, we will safeguard various areas.

If any BNP member fails in this responsibility, appropriate action will be taken against them.

The fascist allies trying to create anarchy will be dealt with firmly by the nation. BNP leaders and activists will remain vigilant during Durga Puja.”


On the other hand, Major (Retd.) Hafiz Uddin Ahmed Bir Bikram, also a BNP Standing Committee member, said, “We want to live with the spirit of the August movement for as long as we live.

We want to see the reflection of the August revolution.

The government should take the necessary steps to prevent anyone from destroying this spirit.”

He made these remarks while addressing a discussion meeting at the Dhaka Reporters Unity (DRU) auditorium in the capital on Sunday.

Hafiz Uddin Ahmed added that only a people’s elected government can truly uphold the spirit of 1971.

Elected representatives are sufficient to reform the state. An interim government can only make proposals, but we will closely monitor how the government undertakes reforms. This government belongs to everyone, not just the student government.

Everyone has a role to play here.
Also present at the event were Muktijoddha Dal President Ishtiaq Aziz Ulfat, BNP Chairperson’s Adviser Syed Moazzem Hossain Alal, Zainul Abdin of Muktijoddha Dal, and AB Party Joint Member Secretary Barrister Asaduzzaman Fuad.