
Dr. Arif Alvi President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan
Dr. Arif Alvi President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan

I felicitate the entire Pakistani nation on the occasion of Pakistan Day. It was on this day in 1940 that Muslims of the sub-continent passed the Pakistan Resolution and made the demand for a separate homeland where they could freely lead their lives in accordance with Islamic ideals.
Today, we pay tribute to the founding fathers of our nation whose struggles and sacrifices led to the creation of Pakistan.
The persecution of minorities, especially the Muslims in India; the rising wave of Hindutva and violence against Muslims; violation of human rights, and brutalities being committed by the Indian Security Forces in the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) prove that the Muslim leadership of that time made a prudent decision.
This day also serves as a reminder to take stock of our successes and failures as a nation. At the time of independence, we were faced with many challenges like the settlement and rehabilitation of refugees, constitutional and administrative problems of the nascent state, security threats, laying solid social, economic and industrial foundations, and the conflict in Jammu and Kashmir.
Despite these challenges, we made tremendous achievements in every field through our continuous hard work and ability.
We established state institutions, made our defence impregnable, achieved nuclear deterrence, curbed terrorism, overcame the COVID-19 pandemic, and displayed the spirit of sacrifice and cooperation in the face of natural calamities.
We still have a long way to go to ensure the rule of law, strengthen democracy, reduce inequalities in our society, empower women, provide the rights of persons with disabilities, eradicate terrorism and extremism, ensure the political and economic stability of the country, and protect the human rights of our citizens.
Considering our achievements in the past, I strongly believe that we have the ability to overcome the challenges faced by Pakistan today. If we continue to work with unity, faith and discipline, we would be able to make Pakistan a strong and prosperous country. May Allah be with us all.
