Madukhali truck driver killed in road crash


Madukhali (Faridpur) Correspondent :

A truck driver named AshiqHossain (20) was killed in a road accident in Madhukhali. The accident took place on the Dhaka-Khulna highway in front of the Majhibari Golden Jute Mill in the upazila on Monday (May 13) early morning. The deceased Md. Ashiq is the son of AlamgirHossain of Pratabpur village in Jibannagarupazila of Chuadanga district.
Kamarkhali Union Parishad Chairman Chowdhury RakibHossain Iran confirmed the accident, a truck (Dhaka Metro-T-13-5356) going from Dhaka to Magura to feed chickens in front of Golden Jute Mill in the early hours of Sunday morning lost control and hit a tree and an electric pole on the spot. The driver of the truck was killed. Karimpur Highway Police and Madukhali Fire Service reached the spot after receiving the information.
Madukhali Fire Service Leader Kamal Sheikh said, “We took down the dead truck driver and handed him over to the highway police.
The accident truck and the body were brought to the Karimpur Highway police station. Legal action is pending.