Let the joy of Eid-ul Azha spread all around


Eid-ul Azha, the second largest religious festival for the Muslims, will be celebrated tomorrow (Monday) in Bangladesh.

Hajj is one of the five mandatory practices in Islam. It’s compulsory to perform hajj for every capable Muslim. And a prominent part of hajj is the rite of qurbani or sacrifice.

Eid stands for joy while qurbani means sacrifice. Allah had ordered Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) to sacrifice most favourite thing.

Hazrat Ibrahim then took his beloved son Ismail (AS) out to sacrifice. This way he showed his obedience to Allah. Then at the will of Allah, a sheep was sacrificed in place of Ismail (AS).

This story teaches Muslims about complete submission and selflessness. The act of Qurbani (sacrifice) embodies the spirit of sharing.

Meat is divided into three parts: for the family, relatives, and the underprivileged. This fosters empathy and social responsibility.

That’s why it shouldn’t be just a ritual rather the significance of this sacrifice has to be spread everywhere. According to Islamic guidelines, animals can be sacrificed on the day of the Eid and the next two days.

In Bangladesh, Eid ul Azha pulsates with life. Cattle markets flourish, families come together, and delicious delicacies like Korbani meat dishes grace the table.


Eid-ul Azha transcends religious boundaries. It’s a time for strengthening social bonds, expressing gratitude, and appreciating the importance of helping those in need.

Korbani is a sort of worship and it cannot be desirable for the wastes of the sacrificial animals to pollute the environment.

And agencies under the local government should work to ensure that the environment isn’t polluted by the spilled blood and other wastes of sacrificial animals.

It needs to be ensured that the cleaning staff employed performs their duties properly. Besides, as a citizen it is necessary for everyone to play a role in this matter.

In the time of genocide in Gaza, this Eid also comes to bring all fellow Muslims under one umbrella of faith and empathy of brotherhood.

The sacrifice should not only be a sacrifice of wealth rather it should be greediness, selfishness and individual consumerism.

Eid Mubarak to all our readers, writers, customers, hawkers, advertisers and well-wishers.
