Kolkata’s tram service to be discontinued


News Desk :

Kolkata’s tram system, which has been a part of the city’s landscape since 1873, is set to come to an end.
India’s West Bengal government has decided to discontinue the service due to challenges posed by the city’s traffic, reports NDTV.
However, one route will remain operational. Kolkata, the last city in India with a functioning tram system, will now only maintain the route between Esplanade and Maidan. This route is intended as a nostalgic experience, offering a scenic joyride past landmarks like the Victoria Memorial, with the greenery of the Maidan and children playing cricket and football adding to the charm.
Though this marks the end of an era, passengers can still enjoy the experience of riding the iconic wooden benches and feeling the gentle motion of the tram as it glides forward. The white and blue tram cars hold a special place in the hearts of Bengalis, symbolising a unique piece of the city’s identity.