JU to set up vaccination booth tomorrow

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JU Correspondent :
The authorities of Jahangirnagar University decided to set up vaccination booth at Wazed Miah Science Research Center premises on October 11.
Dr. Shamsur Rahman, Chief Medical Officer (acting) of the university, told The New Nation this evening.
Dr. Shamsur said, ‘ Vaccination booth will be installed at the Wazed Miah Science Research Center premises. Students who are registered with the Surokkha App or Univac.gov.bd. will be able to take vaccine here. Having NID Card or Birth Registration Card or passport’ is enough for the students who aren’t registered.
Regarding the vaccination process, he told that, Firstly students have to collect an approval form from the respective hall. Bearing the form to the vaccination booth, they will able to take vaccine.
“We will prioritise those students who hadn’t a single dose of Covid-19 vaccine yet to allow them to the dorms. We will accinate all of our students in phases. The health ministry provided 7,000 dose of vaccine for us. We have a capacity of vaccinating 2,000 people per day”, he said.
However, the students of first year aren’t allowed to take vaccine at the booth as they are not welcomed to the hall right now, the cheif medical officer furthered.
Meanwhile, 44pc of the students are vaccinated with full dose and 13pc of the students had a single dose against Covid-19 , said Mohammad Ali Reza, Deputy Registrar (Education) of the university.
