JANO project reshapes Nilphamari clinics


Nilphamari Correspondent :

The Joint Action Nutrition Outcome (JANO) Project introduces a new era for community clinics, transforming health services in Nilphamari in northern Bangladesh. Under the JANO Project, each community clinic’s area is divided with Community Support Groups (CSGs) spreading health and nutrition awareness. These diverse groups connect communities to vital healthcare resources.
Partnering with the government, the JANO Project has facilitated infrastructural enhancements in community clinics, including the installation of tinsets and the provision of diagnostic aids for various ailments. The project is financed through the European Union and the Austrian Development Agency with the assistance of Plan International and Eco Social Development Organizations [ESDO]. The JANO Project is changing community healthcare in Nilphamari by involving Community Support Groups (CSGs). These groups meet regularly to review health and nutrition services, ensuring everyone is included, especially women, marginalized communities, and youth.
They don’t just handle administrative tasks but also help with clinic operations, cleanliness, client comfort, and emergency responses.
Sharif Ahmed Shah, the Upazila Manager of the JANO Project, highlights the vital role of these groups in improving primary healthcare. They motivate community members to use health services and coordinate essential programs. Local officials like Abu Hena Mostafa Kamal, UHFPO of Nilphamari Sadar Upazila, praise the collaboration between the private voluntary organization and CSGs. He said that they provide important tools like blood pressure and weight measuring instruments and raise awareness about maternal and child health, nutrition, and family planning.
Residents like Asha Moni from Bahalipara village share positive experiences, highlighting the excellent support at the clinics. CHCP Deen Mohammad from Bahalipara Community Clinic points out that the project also promotes health education and community development, leading to lasting improvements.
A dedicated 17-member CSG oversees daily clinic operations, ensuring cleanliness, seating, and water supply. They also respond to emergencies and medication shortages by mobilizing resources and volunteers. The JANO Project showcases the power of teamwork in improving community clinics and the well-being of Nilphamari residents.
The JANO Project works with the government to improve clinic infrastructure, such as building tin roofs and providing diagnostic tools. CSG Committees meet every two months to assess services and plan improvements. Each year, they review progress and plan for the future, ensuring representation from all community segments.
