Jamaat calls for unity and action to secure recent victory


Staff Reporter :

Professor Mia Golam Parwar, Secretary General of Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami and former Member of Parliament, urged party members to work in unity and solidify their recent victory over the “autocratic and fascist” Awami League government.

Addressing a gathering at the Polwel Convention Center in Uttara, Dhaka, Parwar emphasised that Jamaat members, particularly the Rukn (core members), must take the lead in ensuring the triumph becomes sustainable and meaningful for the nation.

In his speech, delivered at a member conference organised by the Dhaka North City branch of Jamaat-e-Islami, Parwar stated, “The unyielding movement of students and the public has brought relief to the people, ending the oppressive rule of the Awami League.” He called on all Jamaat supporters, irrespective of political affiliation, religion, or ethnicity, to continue working for the welfare of the people.

Parwar elaborated on the significance of Rukn, describing them as the pillars of the organisation. He explained that the word Rukn appears twice in the Quran, symbolising strength and the ability to bear weight. “In the context of Jamaat, Rukns are the backbone of the organisation and hold a special status, but with that comes greater responsibility,” he said.

He encouraged them to cultivate leadership qualities through studying the Quran, Sunnah, and Islamic literature, noting that effective leadership is crucial for the success of the Islamic movement.


Parwar further stressed the importance of reaching out to people with the message of Jamaat to bring about a successful revolution. He urged members to be ready for any sacrifice in service of the nation, saying, “There is no alternative to spreading the message of Islam to every household for a successful revolution.”

Jamaat, according to Parwar, is more than a political party – it is an institution dedicated to creating ideal, value-driven leaders for the future. He called on members to intensify their efforts in preparation for the challenges ahead.

The event’s special guest, Muhammad Selim Uddin, echoed Parwar’s sentiments, expressing optimism about Jamaat’s increasing popularity.

He remarked that the party is gaining momentum and public support, describing it as a “hopeful and determined force for the future.” Selim Uddin urged Jamaat’s members to harness this positive momentum and work together on the ground to protect the country’s independence and sovereignty. He also emphasised the role of the Rukn as the vanguard in this mission.

In his closing remarks, Dr. Muhammad Rezaul Karim, who chaired the event, praised the recent “second independence” achieved through the sacrifices of students and the public. He referred to those who died in the struggle as national heroes, saying, “Our martyrs are the proud sons of the nation, and their blood has paved the way for victory.” He called for their honor to be preserved and their memory to be respected in the interest of national unity.
