Is Eid-ul-Fitr only a connotation of joy or more?

We had been passing the very shaky days. Due to COVID-19 the whole world was under dark in the last two years. Corona is not yet over. This time Eid is also very critical and crucial for war. The world is being jolted by the alarming affect of war between Ukraine and Russia. Moreover, there are still threats of novel coronavirus. Its previous jolt had hampered the world economy in their worst way. Though the situation was very rough and critical, people are still suffering a lot due to this crisis.


Dr. Forqan Uddin Ahmed :

The occasion of Eid-ul-Fitr signifies the end of Ramadan, the Islamic sacred month of fasting and is observed by Muslims all across the world. Eid-ul-Fitr means the “Festival of breaking fast.” The date of Eid ul Fitr is decided after the sighting of the crescent moon.
On the Eidul Fitr day, people wear new clothes, preparing delicacies and doing charity. They also visit their family and friends for festivities. It is generally accepted that Prophet Muhammad received the first vision of the Holy Quran during the holy month of Ramzan. Eid-ul-Fitr signified the end of fasting from dawn to dusk throughout Ramadan and the opening of the Shawwal month. Eid-ul-Fitr is also observed to pay tribute to Allah for bestowing strength and courage during the month-long fasting customs. It is a common belief that good actions are repaid 10 times in Islam and therefore the 30-day fasting season of Ramadan furnishes prosperity, harmony and peace to all individuals who endorse and dedicate themselves to the sacred cause. Muslims across the world observe Eid-ul-Fitr by exercising prayers that are succeeded by a sermon shortly after sunrise. The day proceeds with devotees slipping in new clothes, offering greetings by saying “Eid Mubarak”, and also by sharing sweets. Children are given gifts and cash from elders which is termed as Eidi.
This Eid-ul-Fitr is primarily a feasting day after the strenuous 30 days of fasting in Ramadan which is the 9th month of the Islamic Calendar. Apart from that, this month and Eid celebration also signifies the achievement of communication with the celestial spirit and religious merits, characterized by sacrifice, self-discipline, and charity. With fasting, prayers, and charity, one becomes a modest person and attains self-control. The three basic reasons for celebrating Eid-ul-Fitr are narrated as showing gratitude towards God for being a constant guide in the fasting month of Ramadan, going to the Mosque and praying at least five times a day and asking God for forgiveness and to carry out the act of charity towards the poor and needy and it is called “Zakat-ul-Fitr” The pleasure of the Eid is so arranged that the hungry and the have-nots can join and share despite their all want and sorrows. In Islam, there is a practice of giving “Zakat” by which discrimination, disparity and injustice will be minimized. At an Eid congregation all people forget and forgive their past ill activities, they submit their humble prayer before God for peace and unity. As a result, we see a very heavenly atmosphere at an Eid congregation and it becomes a big meeting place with each other. So we always become the worshipers of truth and beauty. Let us promise that we spread the teaching of humanity to all humankind for God’s mercy.
Ramadan has a traditional relationship with Zakat. Since zakat is calculated by the lunar year and in our country zakat is usually collected in the month of Ramadan in the hope of greater welfare. Therefore, in the context of Bangladesh, it is essential to adopt a proper plan for the collection and distribution of Zakat for poverty alleviation and social welfare and its proper implementation. One of the basic tenets of Islam is to calculate zakat correctly who pays zakat on certain things. It is obligatory for Muslim men and women. At the same time, it is the sacred duty of the Imams, Muslims to make everyone aware and alert about the dire consequences of not paying Zakat or showing it to people.
We had been passing the very shaky days. Due to COVID-19 the whole world was under dark in the last two years. Corona is not yet over. This time Eid is also very critical and crucial for war. The world is being jolted by the alarming affect of war between Ukraine and Russia. Moreover, there are still threats of novel coronavirus. Its previous jolt had hampered the world economy in their worst way. Though the situation was very rough and critical, people are still suffering a lot due to this crisis. Every state and a nation tries utmost to overcome this crisis. In this situation, the coordinated efforts are needed to combat this condition.
Today humanity faces an acute crisis not only due to the corona virus, but also due to the lack of trust between humans. To defeat an epidemic, people need to trust scientific experts, citizens need to trust public authorities, and countries need to trust each other. Over the last few years, irresponsible politicians have deliberately undermined trust in science, in public authorities and in international cooperation. As a result, we are now facing this crisis bereft of global leaders that can inspire, organize and finance a coordinated global response. In this moment of crisis, the crucial struggle takes place within humanity itself.
Law enforcement agencies, including Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) and police are going to have tight security measures to ensure security in and around the main Eid congregation. Divisional, district and upazila administrations and local government bodies will take preparations in their respective areas to observe the Eid-ul-Fitr. City corporations will have to keep open the children parks, allowing free entry of all visitors on the occasion of Eid. Eid-ul-Fitr is also going to be observed in Bangladesh missions abroad too in a befitting manner. The government is going to chalk out elaborate programmes to celebrate the holy Eid-ul-Fitr with due respect and religious fervour. The national flag will be hoisted at government, autonomous and non-government offices and other important establishments. Important traffic islands and light posts in Dhaka city will be decorated with miniature national flags and flags inscribed with “Eid Mubarak”. Besides, designated government offices and other establishments will be illuminated on the night following the day of Eid-ul-Fitr. Bangladesh Television, Bangladesh Betar and private television channels have arranged special programmes while newspapers have already started publishingEid articles on the occasion of Eid-ul-Fitr.
Is Eid-ul-Fitr only a connotation of joy or more? Whatever the difference is found in Eid-ulFitr of this year- we do not wish any tragedy or curse from Covid-19. Eid connotes always joy. It’s boundary is not joy only. It encompasses blessings, hope, values, zeal and humanity. Corona has given a wider range of Eid explanation. Eid will not only limit in joy. It will act as a bridge between love, friendship, togetherness and humanity towards mankind. It will not have speared panic or fear to the people- rather it will inspire and enhance sense of carefulness insisted of fear and anxieties. May this Eid-ulFitr bring grace us with joy, values, ethics & humanity?
In fine, we can say that Eid is not confined to only amusement. Is Eid-ul-Fitronly a connotation of joy or more? Love and feelings are shared in the day of Eid-ul-Fitr. Very pleasant and happy environment prevails everywhere. After Corona pandemic the Muslims are doing to get together openly. So this year’s Eid has the specialty and difference than that of Eid observed during pandemic. Moreover, it is different for the reason that there is a war in between Ukraine and Russia. By the message of Eid congregations, the war may be stopped. We hope peace and humanity may be established. Through Ei-ul-Fitr, we can reduce discrimination among the people in the community and inter-racial conflicts and chaos may be stopped. Ei-ul-Fitr builds fraternity, unity, tolerance and also health building interaction, fellowship and mutual understanding among all people irrespective of caste and creed.

(The writer is former Deputy Director General, Bangladesh
Ansar & VDP).
