Dr. Sayed Inam :
Every year, the International Bureau for Epilepsy (IBE) and the International League against Epilepsy (ILAE) jointly celebrate International Epilepsy Day on the 2nd Monday of February. This year International Epilepsy Day will be celebrated on February 14. The theme of this year’s International Epilepsy Day is “Shape Our Future.”
February 14 is also celebrated as Valentine’s Day in many countries. The Valentine’s Day is a day to show love to each other. So it’s a big opportunity to show our love for epilepsy patients all over the world on this day.
On this day, people with epilepsy and their families have the opportunity to share their experiences to reduce the social stigma surrounding epilepsy and make general people more aware.
Epilepsy is a condition that affects the brain and causes frequent seizures. Seizures are the result of abnormal electrical activity within the brain that temporarily affects its function. Patients with epilepsy may lose their consciousness during seizures. The entire or a portion of the body begins to jerk spontaneously. It is a mysterious condition. Patients often feel that they are going to have a seizure within a few seconds but can’t stop it.
There are also different types of seizures where a person can be fully upright and walk aimlessly. In this type of seizure, keep the patient away from danger, i.e., from walking onto a busy road. Never restrict patients from his movements. Stay with the patient after the seizure. In many cases, after a seizure, a patient with epilepsy is confused and exhausted.
Epilepsy is the fourth most common neurological disorder, after migraines, strokes, and Alzheimer’s.
Hippocrates first described epilepsy as a treatable disease of the brain. Many types of seizures have been identified. Not all seizures include convulsions or shaking in body.
Facts about epilepsy:
65 million people around the world live with epilepsy. More than 3.4 million people in the U.S. live with epilepsy. One-third of people with epilepsy live with seizures because no available treatment works for them.
Despite being one of the world’s oldest known medical conditions, public fear and social stigma about epilepsy makes many patients hesitate to talk about it.
People with epilepsy die at a higher rate compared to the general population. Each year, many patients with epilepsy die from sudden unexpected, known as SUDEP. Eight out of ten people with epilepsy in developing country do not receive proper treatment.
Brain Stroke and Seizure:
Seizures may occur after a stroke. It is due to damage to the brain and dead tissue after stroke. The more time passes after a person has a stroke, the lower their risk of having post-stroke seizure.
What should have to do at the time of seizure?
If a patient is having a convulsive seizure, the first duty is to protect his/her head with something soft (pillow) and remove him any potentially hazardous objects from the immediate vicinity. For example, if they are in danger of falling off a chair, move the chair. Never put anything in a person’s mouth or restrain them during a seizure.
Diagnosis of epilepsy:
There is no single test used to diagnose epilepsy. Among the ways to diagnose epilepsy, the electroencephalogram (EEG) is the most dependable.
Although there are a lot of myths associated with epilepsy and its treatment, many types of effective anti-epileptic drugs are now available for the treatment of epilepsy.
The good news is that epilepsy can be easily managed if diagnosed and treated urgently and correctly. So awareness is very important.
Epilepsy and Depression:
Depression is the most common type of psychiatric co-morbidity in patients with epilepsy. Despite its high prevalence, depression remains unrecognized and untreated in a large proportion of epilepsy patients.
Patients with a history of depression have a 4 to 7 fold increased risk of developing epilepsy, and those with a history of suicidal attempt have a 5 fold increased risk of developing epilepsy.
Depression in epileptic patients is more due to anxiety about seizures, the after effects of seizures, side effects of anti-epileptic medicine, social stigma, and the negative attitude to the epileptic patient.
Mismanagement of depression in patients with epilepsy has serious consequences, such as increased suicide risk, negative impact on quality of life, and medical cost. With proper anti-depressant 50pc of patients experience remission within the first 6 months and about 66pc within 2 years.
(Dr. Muhammad Sayed Inam is Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, Sylhet MAG Osmani Medical College).