Deutsche Welle : US President Joe Biden signed a new order on Thursday that seeks to restrict new gun technologies that make it easier to obtain guns and improve schools’...
AFP : More than 3,600 people have been killed this year in the “senseless” gang violence ravaging Haiti, the United Nations said on Friday.The Western Hemisphere’s poorest country has plunged...
AFP : The death toll from ongoing sectarian clashes in northwest Pakistan has risen to at least 37, with more than 150 injured in fighting that has raged for a sixth straight day, a local official told AFP on Friday.The Kurram district, formerly a semi-autonomous area, has a history of bloody confrontations between tribes belonging to the Sunni and Shia sects of Islam that have claimed hundreds of lives over the years. July clashes over land involving the same tribes...
News Desk : Kolkata’s tram system, which has been a part of the city’s landscape since 1873, is set to come to an end. India’s West Bengal government has decided to discontinue the service due to challenges posed by the city’s traffic, reports NDTV.However, one route will remain operational. Kolkata, the last city in India with a functioning tram system, will now only maintain the route between Esplanade and Maidan. This route is intended as a nostalgic experience, offering a...
News Desk : Kolkata’s tram system, which has been a part of the city’s landscape since 1873, is set to come to an end. India’s West Bengal government has decided to discontinue the service due to challenges posed by the city’s traffic, reports NDTV.However, one route will remain operational. Kolkata, the last city in India with a functioning tram system, will now only maintain the route between Esplanade and Maidan. This route is intended as a nostalgic experience, offering a...
AFP : The death toll from ongoing sectarian clashes in northwest Pakistan has risen to at least 37, with more than 150 injured in fighting that has raged for a sixth straight day, a local official told AFP on Friday.The Kurram district, formerly a semi-autonomous area, has a history of bloody confrontations between tribes belonging to the Sunni and Shia sects of Islam that have claimed hundreds of lives over the years. July clashes over land involving the same tribes...
Al Jazeera : Myanmar’s military regime has executed two anti-coup activists and plans to execute five more on September 24, rights groups have said, urging action from the international community.Maung Kaung Htet and his wife Chan Myae Thu were executed at 4am Myanmar time (21:30 GMT) on September 23, the Women’s Peace Network said in a statement on Monday.The pair were convicted “without due process and a fair trial” over their alleged involvement in a parcel bomb attack on Yangon’s...