Interim govt con’t be allowed to fail: Tarique

BNP's Acting Chairman Tarique Rahman speaks at Nayapaltan rally in the capital organised by BNP on International Democracy Day virtually from London on Tuesday.

Staff Reporter :

The Acting Chairman of the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), Tarique Rahman, has emphasised that the current interim government is the result of the supreme sacrifice of hundreds of thousands of people and a mass uprising and thus must not be allowed to fail.

Speaking as the chief guest at a BNP rally in Nayapaltan, Dhaka, on Tuesday, Tarique addressed the crowd virtually to mark the International Day of Democracy.

He stated that the interim government is tasked with leading Bangladesh towards an election roadmap through various reform programs.

“While some may not view some of this government’s actions as successful, we must keep in mind that the failure of this government would mean the failure of all of us, the pro-democracy people of Bangladesh.”In no way can we allow this interim government to fail,” he remarked.

However, Tarique stressed that the government itself must also take steps to ensure its own success. “Reform programs must be carried forward with the goal of establishing an accountable government and a parliament elected by representatives chosen by the people.”

He further stated that political empowerment and the direct involvement of the people in the reform process are crucial for sustaining democracy. “True political empowerment comes from ensuring voters have the right to elect their desired representatives through a free, fair, and impartial election.”

Tarique acknowledged that the interim government has already initiated several reforms but warned that without prioritising its agenda, conspiratorial groups could exploit the situation to derail the progress of the mass uprising.

He added that the interim government is working to restore order following the downfall of Sheikh Hasina’s “fascist and despotic regime.”

Although Hasina has fled the country, Tarique claimed that her supporters and other “evil forces” continue to challenge the interim government from within the administration or under the guise of political activities.

“The people will not allow this government to fail, despite provocations from both domestic and international actors,” Tarique added.

Tarique called on party members to gain the trust and affection of the people through their work. Speaking about the current interim government, the leader described it as the result of the supreme sacrifice of thousands of martyrs and the mass uprising of millions of people.

He urged his party to stay committed to the people’s welfare, emphasising that the country is on the electoral roadmap and on a path of reforms. “We must earn the trust and love of the people through our actions. Stand by the people and keep them with us,” Tarique stated during his address to party members.

The rally, which saw a large turnout of party supporters, was presided over by BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir.

Fakhrul, in his speech, voiced strong criticisms of the interim government, accusing it of harbouring remnants of the country’s authoritarian past. He claimed that these “ghosts of fascism” were attempting to sabotage the democratic gains made through the recent student-led mass uprising.

“In exchange for the students’ sacrifices, we have been given a chance to establish democracy. We must not squander this opportunity,” Fakhrul said, urging party members to remain vigilant and committed to safeguarding these hard-earned victories.

Mirza Abbas, a standing committee member of the BNP, expressed the party’s eagerness to see former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina return to Bangladesh. Abbas stated that her return would provide an opportunity to hold her accountable for the oppression and persecution faced by BNP members during her 17 years in power.


“She [Hasina] claims she will return to the country soon. We also want her back so that we can hold her accountable for the years of arrests and persecution suffered by our partymen,” Abbas declared.

He also stressed that the BNP has consistently urged the government to hold elections within a reasonable timeframe. However, he warned that this did not mean the party would tolerate indefinite delays. “We have made it clear: the government has a limited time to organise elections, and we will not allow them to stretch that period unnecessarily,” Abbas warned.

BNP Joint Secretary General Habibun Nabi Khan Sohel criticised former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina for ignoring repeated calls from the party to establish a caretaker government. According to Sohel, the former premier’s refusal to heed these calls has deepened political tensions.

The BNP leadership used the rally as an opportunity to galvanise support, reinforcing their stance on key issues and rallying party members ahead of the upcoming elections. The speeches made clear that the BNP would continue to press the government for timely and fair elections while remaining focused on winning the trust of the people.

“Hasina chose to ignore our calls and listened to foreign powers instead. If she had listened to us, she wouldn’t have had to flee like this,” Tarique said.

The BNP leader mocked the idea that Sheikh Hasina might quickly return to Bangladesh, saying, “Let her come, and where is Obaidul Quader? He said he wouldn’t ever flee the country.”

Sohel also criticised the Awami League leadership, accusing them of abandoning their party men. “The leader has fled, leaving behind all his people. It’s a classic case of’save yourself’.”

He further accused Hasina of being a murderer, claiming she was responsible for the killing of many, including children, citing the 2013 ShaplaChattar incident and the 2009 BDR mutiny, where 57 military officers were killed.

He referred to her as a “serial killer” and warned those who harbour her, saying, “Listen carefully; if Dhaka is not at peace, neither will Delhi be.”

Also speaking at the rally, the BNP Standing Committee member Khandaker Mosharraf Hossain said, “The quota reform movement secured students’ rights, but the people’s right to vote has still not been established.”

“Therefore, we urged the government to transfer power to the people’s government through an immediate election,” he added. BNP Standing Committee member Abdul Moin Khan stated, “The students and the public have granted this interim government the authority to reform the country and restore it from autocracy.”

“However, it’s important to remember that the people have been struggling for democracy for the past 17 years,” he added.

Scores of BNP leaders and activists were gathered at Nayapaltan to commemorate “victims of political repression” and in observance of International Democracy Day.

The rally began at 2:30pm. However, people started to gather in the area with small rallies at 12:30 p.m.

Small pockets of rallies held by the BNP and its associate bodies could also be seen in different parts of the capital, including Nayapaltan, Kakrail, Malibagh, Shantinagar, Vijayanagar, Fakirapool, and Arambagh areas, resulting in some gridlock.

Traffic came to a standstill on both sides of the VIP road. They were seen holding the party flag and national flags, banners, and festoons in their hands.

Not only in Dhaka, people also held rallies in different cities in the country since Tuesday morning.
