Intense heatwave grips Ishwardi, causing buyer shortage in market


Ishwardi (Pabna) Correspondent :

Ishwardi finds itself in the grip of an intense and scorching heatwave even before the day’s work begins post-Eid-ul-Fitr. The relentless sun beats down mercilessly; with temperatures soaring throughout the day and remaining uncomfortably high even at night. People from all walks of life are enduring the unbearable heat, with many falling ill as a result. Adding to the woes, there has been a surge in commodity prices, exacerbating the challenges faced by the populace. Small-scale traders operating in mobile, footpath, and railway markets are particularly feeling the brunt, struggling to make ends meet.
The prevailing heatwave has made life exceedingly difficult for residents of Ishwardi, with hourly load shedding further disrupting daily routines and movement. The oppressive conditions have led to a decrease in outdoor activities, with people venturing out only when absolutely necessary. However, despite the extreme heat, individuals from various backgrounds, including sidewalk and mobile traders, continue to brave the conditions in search of livelihood opportunities.
In Ishwardi’s bustling municipal market area, the impact of the heatwave is palpable. While some shops remain open, the majority have shuttered their doors, with even those open seeing a notable absence of customers. The railway market, typically abuzz with activity, presents a similar sight, with shops standing empty due to the lack of buyers.
Local vendors lament the sharp decline in sales, attributing it to the sweltering summer temperatures that deter people from venturing outdoors. Sheikh Belal, a cloth seller at the Rail Market, expresses the sentiments shared by many, yearning for relief from the oppressive heat and eagerly awaiting the arrival of cooler weather.
Debashish Pal, a grocery shop owner, recounts the dwindling number of customers, noting that foot traffic in the market has significantly decreased over the past fifteen days. Suruj, a fish seller, echoes similar sentiments, revealing the challenges of selling perishable goods amidst the stifling heat.