Inception meet of Ashshash Phase II project in Keraniganj


National Desk :

Dhaka Ahsania Mission (DAM) organised an Upazila-level inception meeting of Ashshash Phase II project in the meeting room of Keraniganj Upazila Nirbahi Officer’s Office on Wednesday. The Upazila Nirbahi Officer of Keraniganj, Md. Abu Riad was the chief guest of the event. Sk. Mahabbat Hossen, Team Leader of Rights and Governance presided over the event and inaugurated the event with a welcome speech.
The master of the ceremony, Noore Saba Jyoti, Case Manager- Economic Development of Ashshash Project, with a skilful approach, conducted an introduction session among the participants. Later, an informative documentary was screened in the event portraying the tragic experience of human trafficking victims and their struggling turn around form the misfortune with help of Ashshash project.Ashit Banerjee, the Regional Coordinator of Ashshash Project gave a brief presentation on goal and objectives of the project. The presentation was followed by an open discussion facilitated by JobiadaNajneen, the Project Manager of Ashshash project where guests expressed their utmost willingness to contribute for the noble cause. At the end of the event, the chief guest drew a hopeful conclusion of the event by thanking all the participants for sharing their valuable insights.
