IMO Secy Gen visits Ctg port


Chattogram Bureau :

The Secretary General of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) Arsenio Antonio Dominguez Velasco visited the Chattogram Port.
As part of the visit, Secretary General and High Commissioner of Bangladesh to the United Kingdom, Saida Muna Tasneem, visited Chittagong port on Friday. He inspected the EMU activities, Safety & Security activities of the port from the boat club to the river route.
Then he attended a briefing meeting on the sea ports of Bangladesh at Shohid mohammad Fazlur Rahman Munshi Auditorium with the Chattogram Port Authority and its stakeholders.
In the meeting CPA Chairman Rear Admiral Mohammad Sohail, welcomed the IMO Secretary General and Hon’ble High Commissioner and introduced all the participants. Besides, the Chairman, in his welcome speech to the Secretary General and the tour companions, mentioned the importance of the sea ports of Bangladesh and expressed special thanks to the IMO Secretary General, mentioning the cooperative role and overall cooperation of the IMO regarding the ports.
At the same time, IMO expects further cooperation. Apart from this, the chairman CPA presented a power point presentation and documentary on the development and future plans of Chattogram and other ports and maritime sector for the tour companions. Power point presentation was presented by CPA member (Harbor and Marine) Commodore M. Fazlar Rahman. Secretary General praised the contribution of Chattogram Port to the international maritime sector and economic development of the country.
He said that IMO as its member state is working to protect the interests of Bangladesh. He called for the implementation of the Hong Kong Resolution on Maritime Affairs as soon as possible.
He highly appreciated the inclusion of green port technology in various development projects undertaken by Chattogram Port.
Other members of the delegation, Director General of Shipping Directorate, Managing Director of BSC, members of Chattogram Port Authority, Joint Secretary of Naupam SM Mostofa Kamal were present in the event.