ICAB calls for 6pc GDP allocation for education


Staff Reporter :
The Islami Chhatra Andolan Bangladesh (ICAB) has put forward 15 demands alongside a call for allocating 20 percent of the proposed budget or 6 percent of the GDP to the education sector to ensure it meets international standards.

At an event held in the auditorium of the Bangladesh Shishu Kolyan Parishad in the capital on Saturday, Secretary General Muntasir Ahmad presented the proposed education budget for the fiscal year 2024-25. The meeting was chaired by ICAB’s central president, Nurul Basar Azizi.

Among the 15 demands, the organization emphasized that the state should cover educational expenses for all students. They also called for the integration of Quranic and religious education at all levels, enhanced teacher training, and support for technology-driven education to make learning more engaging and attractive for children.

ICAB proposed a 30 percent budget allocation to boost enrollment in vocational education and suggested establishing international standard model polytechnic institutes. They also advocated for reducing educational expenses and providing loan facilities to create employment opportunities for the educated unemployed.

Additional proposals include setting up separate educational institutions for female students and ensuring quality food and accommodation in all universities. The organization also stressed the need for adequate funding for developing the Qawmi Madrasa education system and special attention to Aliya education and establishing Kamil Madrasa in each upazila.

ICAB criticized the government’s failure to ensure primary education for all segments of the population, even after 50 years of independence. The organization cited government statistics, noting that one out of every four people in the country remains illiterate.

To address this, ICAB is demanding a 20 percent increase in the allocation for primary education.

ICAB emphasized the crucial role of vocational education in national development, unemployment reduction, and the creation of a skilled workforce.


Currently, the enrollment rate in vocational education is only 17.2 percent, while the unemployment rate among educated individuals is 47 percent.In the fiscal year 2023-24, the government allocated 10,602 crore taka to the vocational and madrasa education department, with 2,823 crore taka sourced from the GDP.

The organization highlighted the importance of adequate funding for research in public universities, which can significantly contribute to the development of higher education.

However, in the fiscal year 2024-25, the government has introduced 55 guidelines and directives for austerity measures affecting the allocation and expenditure of the main operational budget.

ICAB observed that there is growing pressure to increase internal revenue by raising student fees or increasing fees for evening courses. Due to inadequate budgetary allocation, students are facing multiple problems, including a scarcity of accommodation and poor-quality food.

ICAB is calling for a 10 percent increase in the budgetary allocation for public universities to address these issues.
Though the private universities started their journey towards research-oriented education more than three decades ago, but most of these higher education institutions seem to have taken the form of certificate-selling institutions.Nearly 20 private universities are facing crises such as teacher shortages, lack of research, and various mismanagement issues.

Among the 30 private universities, there are no vice-chancellors, nearly 75 universities are operating without pro-vice-chancellors, and 42 universities have vacant positions like treasurer, which are crucial for proper functioning of the tertiary level of education, according to University Grants Commission.

Around three lakh students are studying in these private universities where the educational expense is exorbitant. The ICAB has demanded for government proper supervision here and ensure stipends for poor and meritorious students. They have also proposed for increasing budgetary allocation for National University, under which around 30-40 lakh students are studying under its affiliated colleges.
