How can illegal rickshaws rule Dhaka streets on the nose of city fathers?


Dhaka’s choked streets are a daily ordeal for commuters. While many factors contribute to the gridlock, the rising tide of illegal rickshaws is a major source of frustration.

These unregulated vehicles, both pedal and battery-powered, weave in and out of traffic, creating bottlenecks and disrupting the flow.

The frustration is compounded by the sense that these illegal operations are tolerated, if not outright enabled.

Despite the High Court’s ban on battery-powered rickshaws, they seem to be multiplying. This begs the question: why are these illegal vehicles allowed to operate with impunity? Could there be corruption or lax enforcement at play?

Dhaka deserves better. We need our streets to be safe and efficient for everyone. Eradicating illegal rickshaws and enforcing traffic laws effectively are crucial steps towards achieving that goal.

The sheer number of rickshaws in Dhaka’s streets, both registered and unregistered, highlights the lack of a comprehensive regulatory framework.


Dhaka North and South City Corporations, tasked with registering rickshaws, have vastly different figures compared to independent studies, casting doubt on the accuracy of registration data.

This lack of transparency strengthens the perception that powerful individuals are profiting from the unregulated rickshaw business.

The Bangladesh Institute of Labour Studies’ report alleging control by a section of ruling party leaders and organizations over these rickshaws is troubling.

Dhaka’s nightmarish traffic congestion demands a multi-pronged approach. We need a transparent registration system with accurate data on the number of rickshaws.

Effective enforcement of the High Court ban on battery-powered rickshaws is essential.

Holding those who turn a blind eye to these regulations accountable will be a crucial step in taming Dhaka’s traffic woes. Question arises how can illegal rickshaws rule Dhaka streets on the nose of city fathers?