Historic Mujibnagar Day observed in Rajshahi


Historic Mujibnagar Day was observed here on Wedsnesday with a befitting manner highlighting the significance of the day.

Bangladesh Awami League, district administration and various educational institutions including Rajshahi University (RU) arranged programmes including rallies and discussions to mark the historic day.

On April 17 in 1971, Bangladesh government-in-exile took oath at the then Baidyanathtala at present Mujibnagar mango grove in Meherpur.

Marking the day, a discussion was held at the conference hall of the Deputy Commissioner (DC) largely attended by cross-section of people including freedom fighters, government and non-government officials, members of the civil society, professional leaders and cultural personalities.

The speakers in the discussion paid glowing tributes to Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and four other national leaders who contributed immensely to the War of Liberation of Bangladesh.


DC Shamim Ahmed, Superintendent of Police Saifur Rahman, valiant freedom fighters Abul Kalam Azad and Hamidur Rahman and Editor of Daily Sonar Desh Akbarul Hassan Millat, among others, addressed the meeting.

A post-rally discussion was held at the premises of Senate Bhaban of Rajshahi University (RU) largely attended by teachers, students, researchers, freedom fighters and cultural personalities.

Vice-chancellor (VC) Prof Golam Sabbir Sattar addressed the meeting as chief guest while Pro-VCs Prof Sultan-Ul-Islam and Prof Humayun Kabir and Treasurer Prof Obayedur Rahman Paramanik spoke as special guests.

The discussants recalled the events of the day when the exiled leaders took the most momentous decision of forming a legal government on their own soil to draw global attention to the ongoing War of Liberation.

The formation of the government with Syed Nazrul Islam as acting president in absence of Bangabandhu along with Tajuddin Ahmed as Prime Minister at Baidyanath Tola, later renamed as Mujibnagar, was a great leap forward towards achieving independence, they mentioned.
