Casino business: High alert at Benapole check post


Staff Reporter :
Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) and Benapole Immigration Police of the Benapole Land Port have been kept on high alert to prevent those involved with casino business from leaving the country.
Benapole Immigration Police received a directive from the Special Branch (SB) of Police to prevent Ismail Chowdhury Samrat, President of Jubo League’s Dhaka South unit, and nine Nepal citizens from leaving the country through the land port, said the OC.
Lieutenant Colonel Selim Reza, and Lieutenant Colonel Imran Ullah Sarkar of Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) 49 and 21 Battalions respectively said, BGB members have been kept on high alert so that they cannot leave the country.
Mohsin Khan, Officer-in-Charge of Benapole Immigration Police, said surveillance has been increased at the check post and border areas. The immigration authorities are checking the names, addresses, photos and finger prints to prevent the JL leaders and the Nepalese fleeing to India using fake passports, he added.
Lieutenant Colonel Selim Reza, and Lieutenant Colonel Imran Ullah Sarkar of Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) 49 and 21 battalion respectively said BGB members have been kept on high alert so that they meet the emergencies.
Awami League General Secretary Obaidul Quader on Friday said those who got the share of the casino money, regardless of their political identity shall be brought to book.
Stating that the government has started the drive against casino business from its own party, he said Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has directed not to spare anyone involved with it.