Hasina slams Dr. Yunus over Padma Bridge hurdles


Staff Reporter :

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has accused Nobel laureate Dr. Muhammad Yunus of obstructing the much-anticipated Padma Bridge project, alleging that he used his connections to block crucial funding from the World Bank.

Speaking at a distinguished gathering on Friday, July 5, at the Mawa end of the Padma Bridge to mark the project’s completion, Prime Minister Hasina revealed that former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had personally called her to lobby for Yunus’s position as Managing Director (MD) of Grameen Bank.

“She wouldn’t hang up the phone for 20 minutes, not once, but twice. A representative of the President of France came. Many people came. I just asked, tell me one thing, why this MD position is so special?” Hasina recounted.

The Prime Minister detailed how the foundation stone of the Padma Bridge attracted interest from numerous international entities, including the World Bank and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).

However, an issue arose concerning the MD position at Grameen Bank, with Yunus having already surpassed the bank’s tenure limit of 20 years by the age of 70.

“I never got an answer to this question. A major country was promoting him. The ambassador of that country was in my office, scolding my officer, saying that if there is no MD position, the funding for the bridge would stop,” she said.

Prime Minister Hasina also accused Yunus of filing lawsuits against the government and the Finance Minister, which he lost, leading to further agitation.

“The ambassadors kept coming and repeating the same thing. Then an Undersecretary came and said something so inappropriate that I stopped talking to him that day. I stated clearly that if anyone else came from America, I wouldn’t meet them. And I didn’t meet anyone thereafter.”

Hasina emphasized that the government was threatened with the withdrawal of funding if Yunus did not retain his MD position. “Hillary called. A representative of the President of France came. I simply asked, what is so special about this MD position?”

The Prime Minister suggested that the special nature of the MD position would become evident over time, particularly when labor disputes, tax evasion, and corruption cases emerged. “When the audit report of Grameen Bank comes out, more information will emerge.”

Hasina accused the World Bank of halting financing for the Padma Bridge under Hillary Clinton’s instructions because Yunus couldn’t stay as MD. Despite this setback, she affirmed her determination to proceed with the project, with the support of the people of Bangladesh and the Prime Minister of Malaysia, who offered assistance when no one else did. “Scholars and wise people said it couldn’t be done. Where would the money come from? I said, we would do it with our own money,” Hasina declared.

Describing the Padma Bridge as a symbol of pride, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Friday said the international community now shows due respect to Bangladesh as the bridge was constructed with own finance.


“People now show respect when they heard the name of Bangladesh on the international stage. The people of Bangladesh have reached a dignified position,” she said.

She said that the mentality about Bangladesh that it can’t do nothing without their (foreigners) support has changed through the construction of the Padma Bridge with own finance.

The Padma Bride is a bridge of our pride…. one decision (to build Padma Bridge with own finance) has given Bangladesh dignity. Those who always did bossing on us and thought that Bangladesh would not move on without them have changed their mentality, she said.

The Prime Minister recalled the local and international conspiracies to stop the construction of the Padma Bridge.
We had to build the Padma Bridge overcoming many barriers. We have built the bridge entirely with the money of the people of Bangladesh, she said.

The Padma Bridge has opened the door for making socio-economic advancement of the south-western part, she said.

Sheikh Hasina said Bangladesh was internationally considered as the country of beggars because the post 1975 governments did nothing for the development of the country.

It was very disgraceful because we were considered as the nation of beggars, she said.

After assuming power in 1996, the Prime Minister said they have only one target to reach Bangladesh to a dignified position on the global stage, adding, We have done it successfully.

The Premier said a nation which liberated its country shedding blood, never move ahead keeping their head down.
The Prime Minister vowed Bangladesh will march on to become a developed, prosperous and Smart Bangladesh by 2041 with an indomitable pace confronting all the hurdles.

“We must march ahead overcoming all the obstacles whatever come with implementation of the ideal of the Father of the Nation,” she said.

The Premier said her government has been implementing the perspective plan 2021-41 and Delta Plan-2100 to provide improved and better life to generations after generations.

Road Transport and Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader, MP, presided over the function.

Former Cabinet Secretary Khandker Anwarul Islam and Senior Secretary of the Bridges Division Md. Monjur Hossain and Director of Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project Md Shafiqul Islam also spoke on the occasion.
A documentary on the Padma Bridge, a symbol of Bangladesh’s pride and capability, was screened at the function.
