Happiness & Sorrows Go on pacing with highest acceleration ever


Ramisa Maliha Bhuiyan :
Your ephemeral life is a blender of mind refreshing news, heart rending incidents and heart soothing remarks. There are some stages of mankind which are as follows:
The final stage is going to the darkest place forever- the grave. Here is the end of such a short, happy, sorrowful and in some cases “an exemplary life.”
More or less each and every person has some long cherished dreams in their lives. The arrival of happiness can help them to reach the summit of success, thus assisting them fulfill their dreams. On the other hand, the arrival of sorrows draws a black lines on the core of a person’s heart which washes away his/her future plans and the positive life turning incidents. A person then only has to reckon about the past, thus leaving a bright, glorious path and coming to a dark, Zig – Zag end.
When a painful incident strikes your life, what you think first is about your death. Had the Almighty taken me from this irritating living planet or had I been able to commit suicide which is strictly forbidden in Islam? I advise you never to think like this. At this stage what you need to do is that:
Forget about the past and think only about the present and future. When a pain comes to your life, you have to consider this pain as the key to open the lock of the next success waiting for you. Cry as much as you can to remove that pain. If possible, share the incident of your life with someone very close to you who would be able to condole you. This would make your heart a bit lighter.
Have patience and you are sure to get what you want.
An infant who only cries and who has not got its senses have to detect right or wrong.
A child who knows a little about right or wrong and who only demands what he/she sees before his/her eyes irrespective of knowing the merits and demerits of the desired good or service.
Then you become a lover who can feel other’s heart; who can throw glances- questionable to the third party like that mystery smile of Mona Lisa drawn by the famous artist Leonardo the Vince- to your lover. You would be able to understand the needs, wants, sorrows and happiness of your second soul by pondering at her facial expressions, nice chuckles and tears rolling down her cheeks.
Next you become a judge who is well able to find the correct path for you. You are matured enough to take the decision of your own life correctly and steadily rather than staying in a flip flop mind.
Then comes the life of an old person. You would be dependent on your children for your foods and other necessities. At this stage you behave almost like a child. You yearn to have whatever catches your attraction.
Though it is difficult to abide by the above suggestions, we must follow these for the betterment of our life.
(Ramisa Maliha Bhuiyan is a BBA student)