Govt to bring culprits torching trains to justice

Chief Justice hopes


Chief Justice Obaidul Hassan on Wednesday expressed his doubt whether there is any humanity left in the people killing innocents by torching trains and hoped that the government will bring those culprits to justice.

“Everyone wants the trial of the culprits. They must be brought to the book. It’s not because the train was Mohanganj Express, the demand would have been the same if this was Panchagarh Express or Noakhali Express.

There is definitely room for doubt about whether there is any humanity left in the culprits who are attacking the innocents.

I hope that the government would find out the real culprits through appropriate investigation and bring them to justice,” he said.


The chief justice said this while talking to newsmen after inaugurating the construction work of “Record Bhaban” of the Supreme Court.
Justice Borhanuddin and Justice M Enayetur Rahim of the Appellate Division, Supreme Court Registrar General Md Golam Rabbani, a good number of High Court division judges and Supreme Court officials were present at the ceremony, among others.

The chief justice earlier expressed his gratitude towards the Prime Minister for the Record Bhaban project, saying this building would be a part of smart judiciary.

The 14-floor building will have three basements, where it will be possible to park a total of 159 vehicles.

Construction of the modern building is scheduled to be completed by June 2, 2025.
