Globalisation reality and the G-7 conference


Prof Rayhan Ahmed Tapadar :

The G-7 conference was held in Italy. This year’s conference focused on aid to Ukraine, Gaza ceasefire, immigration policy, international economic security, artificial intelligence and China’s trade issues.

In addition, the two national security issues of Africa and the Mediterranean Sea were the main topics of discussion at this conference. The leaders of the world’s advanced seven-nation organization G-7 are mainly focusing on how to protect their industries by avoiding a trade fight with Beijing.

U.S. President Joe Biden and the heads of state and government of Japan, France, Germany, Italy, Canada and the United Kingdom dominated the discussion on how to establish fair trade with the world’s second largest economy, especially green technology.

The conference also discussed China’s support for Russia’s military expansion policy. Washington has alleged that China’s support for Russia has intensified the war in Ukraine.

According to a Japanese official source, the G-7 member countries have a common policy against China. This conference of developed countries is taking place at a time when China’s trade relations with the Western world are being strained. Currently, the European Union (EU) has announced new tariffs on Chinese-made electric vehicles.

The United States, Japan and the European Union (EU), the unofficial eighth member of the G-7, have expressed concern over China’s so-called industrialization overcapacity. They say Beijing’s generous subsidies for industrialization, particularly green fuels and technologies like solar power and electric cars, make the country’s products too cheap to take over the global market.

China’s policy is causing Western companies to lag behind in competition, especially in the growing green industrialization sector. US National Security Council spokesman John Kerby said before the conference, “We will counter China’s pro-market policies.”

This policy of theirs is damaging the global market. China, however, has rejected these allegations of developed countries including the United States. However, the United States is emphasizing the unity of the G-7 member countries to pressure China in this regard.

G7 finance ministers warned last month that they would take strong action to ensure a level playing field for all countries. The G7 imposed a 38 percent tariff on Chinese-made electric cars ahead of the summit. This poses a major threat to Chinese car imports in the European market. Beijing condemned the EU’s move, saying it was blatant protectionist behavior. China has the right to file a case in the World Trade Organization (WTO).

The US has already raised tariffs on green technology imports, including 100 percent on Chinese-made electric cars. At this time, President Biden also accused Beijing of cheating. The meeting is discussing the imposition of restrictions on the export of gallium, germanium and graphite to China.


This mineral is very useful in the telecommunication and electric vehicle industries. It is feared that these restrictions on China could put the international supply system in that country at great risk. Analysts have warned that such action against China will lead to supply shortages in the near future, which will increase the prices of many commodities in the global market.

Because, if the western world takes various steps, China will not sit idle. They will also take countermeasures. In addition, various issues related to security and defense are also being discussed in the conference. Beijing has been accused of aiding Russia’s armed forces.

In a press conference with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, US President Biden said that the G-7 member countries have agreed to take joint measures against the country in view of China’s role in supplying necessary war equipment and machinery to Russia.

Washington has accused Beijing of aiding Russia’s defense industry. And Russia is attacking Ukraine with weapons made in that industry. The two countries are jointly developing drones.

Apart from this, China is exporting necessary equipment to Russia for making ballistic missiles. The G-7 leaders also discussed security in the Asia-Pacific region. China’s confrontational posture and militarization of the South China Sea islands and its war games in Taiwan have raised fears of potential conflict in the region.

In their final statement at the G-7 summit held in Japan last week, the leaders rejected any kind of military activity by China in the region. According to Japanese government sources, the Puglia meeting in Italy needs to send a clear message to China that this issue is not only a regional concern, but also a concern for all G7 member countries. They should be told openly. G-7 will give 50 billion dollars to Ukraine from the assets seized by Russia.

The G-7 alliance of industrialized nations has agreed to allow Ukraine to use $50 billion from seized Russian assets. And it will be given to help Ukraine in the war against Russia. US President Joe Biden said it was another reminder to Russia that ‘we are not backing down’, but Moscow has threatened to take ‘maximum painful’ action in response.

Each year a member country of the G-7 hosts the summit and takes over the year-long presidency. Japan hosted the 49th conference last year. This is the first international forum hosted by Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni since taking office in 2022. Although the G-7 is a coalition, they cannot pass any laws. Because every country has its own democratic process. However, many decisions of this alliance have seen global implications in the past.

The conference is expected to finalize a $5 billion loan deal for Ukraine, which has been frozen in the West since Moscow launched its full-scale invasion in February 2022. Another session of the conference focused on the Middle East. Israel’s war in Gaza is one of the key issues in this regard.

Calling on Hamas to accept the cease-fire proposed by US President Joe Biden and emphasizing the need for a two-state solution to achieve peace in the region. However, the issue of preventing China’s progress was discussed around the entire conference. What is called in Chinese-naked conservationist behavior.

(The writer is researcher
and columnist).
