GB submits graft allegations to ACC against Yunus


Court Correspondent :
Grameen Bank has submitted an allegation to the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) against founder of the bank Dr Muhammad Yunus for his alleged involvement in graft and irregularities during his tenure at the bank.

A report of a high-level review committee of Bank and Financial Institute Division under the Finance Ministry and a comprehensive audit report (1983 to 2023) of an audit firm enlisted by Bangladesh Bank found several evidences of massive corruption in providing loan, credit waiver and work permits to Packages Corporation Limited (PCL).

Packages Corporation Limited (PCL), a business entity of Dr Yunus and his family located in Chattogram, a Grameen Bank press release signed by incumbent Managing Director of the Bank Nur Mohammad said on Sunday.


During his tenure as Managing Director of the bank, Professor Muhammad Yunus provided various illegal privileges for his family printing press PCL since 1990 violating laws and misusing his power aiming to gain personal and family interest, it said.

The graft allegation has been submitted to the ACC against Dr Yunus as per the opinion of legal advisors and the decision of Grameen Bank’s governing body, it added.
