France vows to cooperate in quality primary education


NN Online Report:

Ambassador of France to Bangladesh Mrs Marie Masdupuy on Monday vowed to work for development of primary education aiming to ensure quality primary education in Bangladesh.

“France has assured to develop primary education by identifying the field of cooperation so that the quality primary education could be ensured,” said the envoy, reports BSS.

The French envoy came up with the pledge while she called on Primary and Mass

Education Advisor Professor Dr Bidhan Ranjan Roy Poddar at his secretariat

office here.

The French envoy also praised various initiatives and programmes which have


been taken in the primary education in Bangladesh and she assured cooperation

on behalf of the French government in overall activities which would be

undertaken in future to ensure quality of the primary education.

They also discussed on different bilateral issues related to mutual interests.

Primary and Mass Education Secretary Farid Ahammad was also present during this time.