For relief, respite and peace

Looking for the Ray of Hope
Looking for the Ray of Hope
Anwarul Kabir :
With geopolitical risks at the highest level ever and violent conflicts proliferating, we bid goodbye to 2015 with memories of devastating aggression and occupation in parts of Muslim world and a general atmosphere of Islam phobia generated on unprecedented scale, So we welcome 2016 in the language of CS Lewis with hope for great possibilities and above all for relief, respite and peace.
Never before hypocrisy pervaded life in such depth that the world saw in 2015. So the people longed at the end of the year that each passing day would shorten the dark night to the great morning of relief and respite in 2016. And indeed, this resonated in every mind as can be found in the comment of a gate-keeper of a bank in Motijheel. As this writer was muttering rather a little loudly over unbearable jam for the visit of a dignitary from a neighbouring country, a comment was heard from the behind. “Sir, wait a little more. We are at the end of dark night. Soon there will be bright morning.” The surprised writer turned back and saw none but the gate keeper of the bank. He nodded his head when asked if he had made the comment.
 “How could you make such meaningful comment”, he was asked. He replied that these were common observation of many clients who visit the bank. He liked it. It means that the common feeling among the people, whether hidden or expressive, is a longing for a change for a respite.
It will not be an exaggeration to say that the feeling of suffocation, fear and uncertainty now pervades the world in many form. And the atmosphere is preserved and controlled by, what numerous researches conclude, only half a per cent of people through brute force.
They perpetuate this illegal and anti-human rule through total control of state machinery with the help, as Germany’s Hitler had stipulated, of law that they created and machination. Hitler advised those in power to control administration, armed wings of the state, press, education, judiciary and religion in totality as they are at their disposal. Then they would have total freedom and need not be worried with public opinion.
Hitler insisted that press, judiciary and religion must be controlled in totality to ensure security of power. Hitler had another advice for these in power. “When in power, never speak the truth because that may signal their fall. Tell lies, but not small ones as people themselves tell small lies. The lies have to be big and must be repeated again and again.And never allow anyone to protest or speak against,” he advised. We could see it reflected in various hues in different countries of the world. The outgoing year demonstrated it so apply in almost every minute.
The darling word of the outgoing year was ‘terrorism’ and its holders were the Muslims. But what is terrorism? Dr. Any Zalman, a global terrorism expert said that “there is no official definition of terrorism agreed on throughout the world”.
He said the first attempt was made by Leaugue of Nations in 1937 which said “all criminal acts directed against state and intended or calculated to create a state of terror in minds of particular person or group or general public.” In late 1970s, the United States adopted new definition that is now prevalent. Why controversy over definition? Because, people see it differently. When the people see it as freedom movement is dubbed as terrorism by the power which opposes it. Interestingly, first act of terrorism is noted in first century AD when group of Judean Jewish people, used to murder people with hidden daggers. They were called Sicarii or dagger man. These Jews who opposed Roman rules would mainly kill official with the plea that they (Jews) should be ruled only by God alone.
Now-a-days when some people want to establish Caliphate, it surprisingly resonate with this first century Jewish programme that was called terrorism. Now researchers have named six types of terrorism such as state terrorism, bio-terrorism, cyber-terrorism, echo-terrorism and nuclear-terrorism.
And state terrorism is above all as only the state has all the resources to conduct all these types of terrorism. And 2015 saw all of them individually and collectively. Amazingly, the millions of people killed, civilization damaged and destroyed were almost ignored in the western press or narrative. But the massive Western propaganda kept people across the globe in fear of Islamic terrorism. And this started with observation of a powerful Western leader who stated that “not all Muslims are terrorist, but all terrorists are Muslims.”
And ever since Muslims are being hunted for so-called terrorism. It all started following destruction of twin tower in 2001. Hundreds of researchers contradicted the official claim that it was done by Muslim terrorists. But on this plea Iraq and Afghanistan were invaded and, according to numerous researchers, some 14 million people have so far been killed alone in Iraq. Now bombing and killings are continuing in Syria where, according to UNHCR’s annual Global Trend report, some 42500 people are made homeless every day. In 2014 some 59.5 million people were displaced. The report said that war of aggression is continuing in 15 countries of Africa, Middle East and one in Europe (Ukraine). All of them are in Muslim countries. These people were displaced by bombings by Western powers and internal feud engineered by mostly Western powers. As these helpless people now flock to western countries as refugees, they are being refused entry.
This problem will furether accentuate and will be one of biggest issues in 2016. According to Physicians for social Responsibility (PSR) since 2001, war on terror killed four million Muslims.
Citi Research, an European study group, noted that in 15 polls across the world in 2015, 7 incumbents were reelected and in 8 other cases, there were changes.
Citi observed this could be a trend across the world with incumbents leaving power. They warned that conflicts and use of force will increase in third world countries during elections as incumbent powers, often use force to subdue or eliminate opposition to stay in power.
Citi also warned that this trend seem to push geopolitical risk to converge with socio-economic risk. Its outcome is already in evidence in refugee crisis, foreign policy failures and banking crises across the world. Failure to address this new risk in the outgoing year has eroded people’s trust in power and political elites. Income inequality and youth unemployment may turn into an engine of turmoil, if proper attention is not given to this sector immediately.
Attempts are being made to show this emerging crisis with what is being touted as the product of the terrorism by Islamic State (IS) or ISIS or ISISL. This attempt may create confusion in the minds of people. But it will not be able to deter the multi-faceted crises that will spring out of these complicated scenarios. It has amply been proved that ISIS is a western-Mossad creation and its chief is a Jew.
A French report quoting Arabic Website Ajyal-com said the name of Jew is Eliot Shimon who adopted the name of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Whatever be the truth, the ISIS is on the front.
There is no response to some questions such as what is their source of finance, source of arms or how they stay in face of opposition by great powers. It is surprising that ISIS stay, function and threat peace in face of super power opposition. Obviously there is something that needs to be revealed.
Economically. therefore, only US and Euro-Area economic recovery appear a little better. The US domestic demand is expected to be solid with strong dollar, but the productivity is likely to be slow for higher labour cost and rising interest rate. In other regions such as Africa, Asia-Pacific, Latin America the economy will swing between positive and negative with the result that the economy will not be resilient and in some cases the race will be losing one.
 The reason for uncertain economic scenario primarily rest on low income countries which faced low demand of their exportable. As a result investment prospect is shrinking and will continue in to 2016.
World politics will continue to be murky as Russia continues to play its role in the international political arena. It is no longer univocal world. It was evident in Syria. Many hope that this may help thaw in conflicts after some really unpredictable face-a-face between two worlds.
This tête-à-tête will be dangerous and unpredictable for the Muslim countries as the two opposing camps of world continue to preserve their influence and control on these countries with the most valued natural resources oil. Muslim countries contain some 74% of fosil fuel in their countries. So long these are available intervention and interference in Muslim countries will continue with consequent fall out. The famous British imperial policy of divide, occupy and colonize will be prevalent in various forms. This policy encourages intolerance and is an arch enemy of truth and freedom.
To get away from this suffocation, people hope and pray for relief, respite and peace.