Bagerhat Correspondent :
The Bay of Bengal became rough unseasonably at the time of drying season at Dublarchar fish drying village.
As a result, thousands of fishermen stopped fishing for long six days and are spending their time idly.
Fishermen and moneylenders are worried about financial loss. The fish drying season will be ended on April 08.
On Wednesday afternoon Freedom fighter Md. Kamal Uddin Ahmed, President of Dublarchar Fishermen Group disclosed to the newsmen of Sharankhola Upazila headquarters in Bagerhat district from Alorkol of Dublarchar over his mobile phone, at the end of the season of fish drying fishermen of Dublarchar were caught in the hostile weather.
All on a sudden a strong westerly wind has been blowing in the Bay of Bengal for the last few days. Due to this rough sea thousands of dry fishermen stationed at Alorkol, Majherkella, Shelarchar and Narkelbaria of Dublarchar stopped fishing for long six days and spend their time idly.
Fishermen and moneylenders are facing losses due to the closure of fishing. Since the beginning of this dry season fishermen have facing disasters in the sea continuously. As a result of which moneylenders are worried after investing lakhs of Taka.
The President of the Fishermen Group (of Dubalrchar) added, fishermen have never seen such foul weather at the time of the (fish drying) season.
Motasin Faraji, President of Rampal Fishermen’s Association told from Alorkol in Dublarchar, the weather became very bad at the sea for the long 6 days. The westerly wind is blowing strongly in the Bay of Bengal. Big waves are crusting in the sea.
The President added, several thousand of fishermen of Dublarchar have stopped fishing and are spending their idle time in their fishing trawlers and boats in the various canals of Sundarbans including Aorkol.
Alal Mia, a fisherman from Majherkella in Dubla, Babul Hossain, Chan Mia fishermen from Narikelbaria and Sagir Hossain, a fisherman from Shelarchar told, currently some 10,000 fishermen are staying at Dublarchar.
Almost all of them came to there in order to fish in the sea after taking ‘Dadon’ (advance money) from the money lenders.
Forester Md. Khalilur Rahman, Officer-in-charge of Dubla Forest Outpost in Jele-plli (fishermen village) told, at the end of this dry (fish) season the fishermen have caught in the grip of the hostile weather in the current season.
The Forest Officer added, forest department is worried about losing the revenue as the fishermen are unable to catch fish. The Officer also added, the fish drying season in Dublarchar will be end on April 08, 2025.