First Security Islami Bank’s new chair holds its first meeting


Business Report :

First Meeting of new board of directors of First Security Islami Bank PLC held at the bank’s head office on Wednesday.

Newly made chairman of the bank Mohammad Abdul Mannan presides over the meeting while independent directors Md. Azizur Rahman, Md. Abdul Quddus, Md. Saiful Alam, PhD., Md. Raghib Ahsan, Managing Director Syed Waseque Md. Ali and company secretary of the bank Oli Kamal, were present, said a press release.

In the meeting chairman said that First Security Islami Bank is a bank of trust and love of 20 lakh clients. The board will act as the representative of the clients. Protecting the interests of the clients is the main objective of the board in view of starting its activities very soon.


He expressed that under the leadership of the board the bank would turn up with a good shape of successful ideal islami bank. The prime goal is to establish the First Security Islami Bank as a model bank among the Shariah-based banks of the country.

Mr Mannan also hopes that the board would protect the interest of every clients and this liquidity crisis would overcome very soon. Therefore, he appealed to the respected clients for patience and kind cooperation for their interest.

Apart this, he emphasized on paying utmost importance to recover the defaulted investments, maintaining proper rules and regulations in the new investments and ensuring transparency, accountability and good governance in every activities of the bank.
