Fake news site mimicking The New Nation


Staff Reporter :
In a concerning development, miscreants have created fake websites mimicking the names of the country’s most renowned and oldest English newspaper — The New Nation.

The fraudulent site — accessible at https://dailynewnationbd.com is misleading the readers and spreading false information under the guise of legitimate news.

The management of the newspaper has promptly issued warnings to its readers, urging them not to be deceived by the fraud web links.

It has stressed the importance of avoiding the fake website to prevent the spread of misinformation.


Specifically, the authority of The New Nation states, “We do not have any website under the name https:// dailynewnationbd.com. Certain individuals with malicious intent have created this site to confuse our countless readers.

We have no association with any content on this site. We have already brought this issue to the attention of the relevant authorities.”

In a plea to the readers, the management of The New Nation requested the readers not to be misled by the fake websites (https://dailynewnationbd.com) calling them to visit the official site of the newspaper.

The official website of The New Nation is https://dailynewnation.com.