Facebook’s rising popularity for content creation highlighted


City Desk  :
In recent months, content creators in Bangladesh have increasingly shifted their focus from YouTube to Facebook, capitalizing on new revenue opportunities and the platform’s widespread popularity in the country. Ariyan Munna, a renowned Bangladeshi YouTuber and content creator, highlighted this trend, noting that while YouTube has long offered financial incentives through views, Facebook now provides similar opportunities, making it an attractive alternative for creators.
“Previously, content creators in Bangladesh primarily focused on YouTube because of its monetization capabilities,” Munna explained. “However, with Facebook now offering the same opportunities to earn from views, many creators are diversifying their platforms.”
The shift towards Facebook is underpinned by its status as the most popular social media platform in Bangladesh. According to the latest estimates from the Bangladesh Post and Telecommunication Department, there are 6 crore 72 lakh 45 thousand (67.2 million) Facebook users in the country, a number that continues to grow daily. For many Bangladeshis, Facebook serves as the primary medium for leisure and communication, further enhancing its appeal to content creators.
