Export data dilemma: NBR vs. EPB difference calls for a unified approach


BANGLADESH’S export story has had a certain shine for the past few years. The numbers boasted of a thriving sector, a testament to the nation’s tireless efforts.

But a nagging doubt lurked beneath the surface. Were these figures the whole picture? Sadly, recent revelations have confirmed those worries.

The National Board of Revenue (NBR) has acknowledged significant errors in its export data for the past few years.

This news comes as a blow. It forces us to take a hard look at what we thought we knew about Bangladesh’s export performance.

What once appeared as positive growth has been revised downward, revealing a negative trend.

This discovery carries a weight. It impacts calculations for the export-to-GDP ratio, a vital indicator of economic health.

It also affects debt servicing calculations, potentially placing an additional burden on Bangladesh.

Economist Dr. Ahsan H. Mansur echoes this concern, calling for a thorough investigation to ensure transparency.

We need to understand what happened and hold those responsible accountable.


The cause of the discrepancy seems to lie in the conflicting methodologies used by the NBR and the Export Promotion Bureau (EPB).

Double-counting appears to have inflated the true picture of export success.

This highlights the need for a unified and transparent data collection system.

The initial optimism surrounding Bangladesh’s export performance has been tempered by this discovery. Yet, this moment can also be a catalyst for positive change.

By embracing accurate and transparent data collection, Bangladesh can gain a clearer understanding of its export sector’s true potential.

This knowledge is vital for formulating effective economic policies and navigating the global market with confidence.

Let us move forward with a renewed commitment to data integrity, so Bangladesh’s export journey can be charged with a clear course towards a thriving export sector.

We can use this as a chance to learn, ensuring Bangladesh’s export story is one of not just hard work but also of accuracy and national pride.
