Experts for hypertension treatment at community clinics


Sylhet bureau :
Public health experts and heart specialists have said the prevalence of hypertension and hypertension-related various non-communicable diseases and deaths is growing in Bangladesh.
So, ensuring the availability of hypertension treatment facilities at community clinics can be a cost-effective approach, they added. The experts were speaking at the webinar “Health Risks Associated with Hypertension and the Needful” organised by research and advocacy organisation PROGGA (Knowledge for Progress) Thursday ahead of World Health Day Friday.
“One in every five adults in Bangladesh suffers from hypertension, which is very alarming. Availability of hypertension medicines must be ensured at the community clinics to make hypertension treatment accessible to the entire population and necessary budget allocation also must be ensured,” they said
Community Clinic Health Support Trust Vice-Chair Dr Makhduma Nargis said: “The inclusion of hypertension drugs in the drug list of community clinics can be made possible with the consultation of the expert committee of the Community Based Health Care (CBHC) under the Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS). However, importance should also be given to ensuring trained manpower and increasing their number in community clinics.”
