Eid-ul-Azha on June 17


News Desk :
Bangladesh will celebrate Eid-ul-Azha on Jun 17 as the moon for the month of Dhu al-Hijjah has been sighted.
The decision was taken at a meeting of the National Moon Sighting Committee at the Islamic Foundation hall in the Baitul Mukarram National Mosque on Friday evening, reports bdnews24.com

After the meeting, Religious Affairs Minister Faridul Haque Khan said the moon was sighted and the month of Dhu al-Hijjah will start on Saturday.

Under the assumption that Eid will fall on Jun 17, the government had fixed the public holidays from Jun 16-18.
However, as there is a two-day weekend on Friday and Saturday before then, government employees will get five consecutive days off.


Muslims around the world celebrate Eid-ul-Azha, one of their most important religious festivals, on the 10th day of the month of Dhu al-Hijjah.

Animal sacrifices are offered during this festival, through which Islam teaches its devotees to renounce one’s inner corruption to gain the favour of Allah.

As the Dhu al-Hijjah moon was sighted in Saudi Arabia on Thursday, Eid-ul-Azha will be celebrated in the country on Jun 16. Generally, Eid is celebrated in Bangladesh one day after Saudi Arabia.
The Hajj pilgrimage will be held on Jun 15.
