Drama being staged in name of poll

BNP tells EU delegation


Staff Reporter :
The main opposition party-BNP- on Wednesday informed the visiting European Union delegation (EU) that the Awami League government is trying to hold a drama in the name of election as it is being staged without participation of the opposition parties.

A six-member BNP delegation had an hour-long virtual meeting with the EU delegation comprising election experts and and shared some data with them.

BNP Standing Committee Members Dr. Abdul Moyeen Khan and Nazrul Islam Khan, party chairperson’s advisor Ismail Zabiullah, International Affairs Secretary Humayun Kabir, Organising Secretary Shama Obayed and Human Rights Secretary Asaduzzaman participated in the meeting in the afternoon.

Dr. Moyeen Khan told journalists over telephone after the meeting that they thought that the EU experts are trying to understand the election situation in Bangladesh.

“I think they (EU team) are trying to understand the election environment in our country. We have told them that there are no elections are being held.


But a drama is going to be held in the name of election,” Dr. Moyeen Khan said.

Meanwhile, no sides disclosed the issues of discussions in publicly.
Participants in the meeting said that the BNP leaders informed the EU team that there are no candidates in this ‘so called’ polls excepting ruling party men or its allies.

“Either AL candidate or their dummy contenders are participating in this so called election where the opposition parties are completely boycotting the vote,” they said.

Earlier in the day, the EU delegation comprising two members held a meeting with the BNP leaders of Sylhet division at a hotel in Sylhet over the election situation in the division.

BNP leaders Abdul Muktadir, former city Mayor Ariful Huq and Sylhet district unit BNP President Abdul Qaium Chowdhury participated in the meeting.