Don’t bite off more than you can chew

Tarique tells govt over its plan


Staff Reporter :

BNP Acting Chairman Tarique Rahman stated on Saturday that the interim government should not take on tasks it is unlikely to complete, urging caution in managing the nation’s affairs during this transitional period.

He emphasized that the BNP must prepare its own plans to fulfill the people’s aspirations in the future.

While expressing his continued support for the interim government led by Professor Dr. Muhammad Yunus, Tarique stressed the importance of the government maintaining the BNP’s trust.

“We all know there was no alternative to an interim government to fill the sudden vacuum created after dictator Hasina fled. For valid reasons, we supported them then, and we continue to support them.

However, they must take on the challenge of ensuring that our trust remains unshaken,” he said during a virtual address at a mass rally at Payra Chattar in Jhenaidah.

The rally, organized by the BNP’s district unit, was held to demand justice for Rakib and Sabir, two local youths martyred during the recent movement for the restoration of democracy.

Tarique urged the interim government to clearly define its responsibilities and create a roadmap for achieving its goals. “It’s unrealistic for them to assume responsibilities they cannot manage,” he said, noting that while it may not be possible to implement sweeping changes, the interim government must focus on tasks within its capacity.


He also warned that every decision made at the highest levels of government requires caution to avoid misunderstandings and missteps. “Running a government is a sensitive and complex task.

Even a minor deviation can raise serious questions, while carelessness can erode trust and fracture the unity that is vital to the nation’s strength,” Tarique added.

He further warned that the “poisonous breath of dictatorship,” built up over 15 years, will not be easily dispelled. Tarique expressed concern over the interim government’s struggle against the conspiracies left behind by the partisan administration of former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.

“If this situation persists, the government, trapped by constraints imposed by the autocrat’s allies, could see small crises escalate into major disasters. The path to effective solutions will become increasingly narrow,” he cautioned.

Tarique highlighted the need for an elected government to address critical issues such as foreign investment, international confidence, state stability, ease of doing business, public safety, and development continuity.

“There is no alternative to an elected government for ensuring these crucial tasks, as well as for providing daily services to citizens at the grassroots level,” he said.

Reflecting on the student-led mass uprising in July and August, Tarique called it a symbol of a new independence and victory for the nation. He paid tribute to the millions of political activists who have suffered under the Awami League government, enduring everything from murder and enforced disappearances to judicial harassment over the past 17 years.

The BNP leader concluded by emphasizing that the sacrifices of these activists have paved the way for a brighter future, and the interim government must now focus on facilitating the nation’s transition to democracy while ensuring that trust and unity remain intact.