Domestic gas exploration a must for energy security


Bangladesh is in the throes of a crippling gas crisis, affecting homes, industries and vehicles that run on compressed natural gas.

This two-week ordeal began when a vital Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) terminal in Cox’s Bazar was shut down due to Cyclone Remal.

The impact is undeniable – residents struggle to cook meals, long queues clog CNG stations, disrupting commutes for auto-rickshaw drivers, and factories face closures due to gas shortages.

Businesses, already grappling with rising inflation, are now forced to absorb production losses, potentially leading to job insecurity.

This crisis exposes a dangerous dependence on a fragile system. Bangladesh relies heavily on just two floating LNG terminals for most of its gas supply. When one is damaged, the entire system buckles.

Experts point out a lack of investment in domestic gas exploration as a root cause. While plans exist to explore new wells, concrete action and budgetary allocation seem absent.

Bangladesh boasts significant potential natural gas reserves, yet exploration efforts haven’t kept pace with the country’s growing energy demands.

Immediate solutions are needed. Repairing the damaged terminal is crucial, but exploring alternative gas sources, like domestic reserves, could offer temporary relief.

Additionally, exploring renewable energy sources like solar and wind power can provide a long-term, sustainable solution. Bangladesh must invest in a more resilient energy infrastructure, with diversification and redundancy as key principles.


This will prevent future crises from crippling the nation and ensure a stable power supply for economic growth.

Finally, clear communication from the government is vital to keep citizens informed about the situation and the steps being taken.

The current situation is a stark reminder of Bangladesh’s vulnerability to external factors and its dependence on a limited energy supply.

To ensure long-term energy security, the nation needs a diversified and robust energy infrastructure, along with a strong focus on domestic gas exploration and the development of renewable energy sources.

Only then can Bangladesh weather future storms and power a brighter future for its people.

Let’s urge the government to take action now to build a more secure and sustainable energy future for Bangladesh.

We, the citizens, businesses, and experts, must collectively advocate for a comprehensive energy plan that prioritizes domestic exploration, diversification, and long-term solutions.

By working together, we can ensure a brighter and more secure energy future for Bangladesh.
