‘Digital Transformation Strategies for High-Growth Organisations’


Sajid Amit :

High growth organisations reach their true potential through implementation of newer more effective strategies. This is because newer strategies ensure that clients and customers experience something new. These strategies have proven to be highly effective thanks to the expertise through which I implement them.

Invest in Designing Better Services to Stay Competitive in the Experience Economy

Making top-quality goods isn’t enough for many companies to succeed. Today, customers have high expectations and will switch brands after just one bad experience. Over 72 per cent of consumers are likely to change brands after one negative interaction.

Both consumers and businesses want easy-to-use, customizable, and trackable digital experiences. They expect smooth service and support. This isn’t new, but how companies meet these needs has changed a lot, especially in the last 18 months.

The pandemic has pushed businesses to adapt quickly and get faster returns on investment (ROI). Many companies now focus on service design, which plans every part of the customer journey before, during, and after the service.

Service design includes strategy, brainstorming, prototyping, visualization, and customer research. It helps companies map out the whole customer experience clearly. This way, they can find and prioritize the most beneficial areas before investing in new technology or infrastructure.

Top companies combine technology with human-centered design. These projects involve IT, marketing, business leaders, product development, and digital teams. This shows how important the customer experience is to business transformation and the technology behind it.

Investing in better service design helps companies stay competitive in today’s experience-driven economy. By focusing on the complete customer journey, businesses can meet the high expectations of modern consumers and business clients, leading to long-term success and growth.

Create a Comprehensive Customer Data Strategy

Collecting customer feedback is key to improving products and services. It’s now more important to get feedback in real-time and turn it into useful insights quickly. Top companies focus on this to stay ahead.


Many businesses are investing in connected products like patient carts, lawnmowers, grills, vehicles, and wall timers. The main goal isn’t just extra revenue. The real focus is on the data strategy behind these products. By collecting feedback and data on how these devices are used, companies can drive success across their business and market.


Easy access to this data is crucial for product development. The days of 36-month development cycles are gone. With the right data and experts like me, companies can develop products faster and better, always keeping the customer in mind.

Creating a strong customer data strategy helps businesses improve their products and services quickly. It ensures companies can meet customer needs and stay competitive in today’s fast-paced market.

Emphasize the Human Aspect of IoT

Creating connected products can be very expensive. Many of these products fail because they aren’t relevant or valuable. That’s why planning is so important from the start.

Each year, many companies struggle to launch successful connected products. I help many businesses with their strategies. He says successful companies do more than just connect their products. They:

● Focus on Real Customer Needs: They use real customer insights to ensure the product is useful.

● Plan Their Data: They decide what data to collect and how it will help both the company and customers.

● Stay Flexible: They plan to adapt to changing customer and business needs.

● Think About the Big Picture: They design products that fit into the whole customer experience.

Good companies see connected products as a way to interact with customers through digital means. They think about the people who will use and build these products. Focusing on the human side of IoT helps create products that are valuable and relevant, leading to long-term success.

Digital transformation strategies for high-growth organizations aren’t limited to just the ones I have shared. In fact, newer and more effective ones are being created right now. I myself am developing newer ones to ensure that he is staying ahead of the curve at all times.

The ones shared in this article are just the ones he believes and knows to be the most effective in these competitive markets. I continue to build my knowledge and expertise to cement myself as a development leader and financial services professional and academic.

(The writer is a leader in digital financial services).
