DB detains all suspects, motive still unclear


Staff Reporter :

The Detective Branch (DB) of the police has successfully apprehended all seven individuals involved in the mission to kill Parliamentarian Anwarul Azim Anar. Despite this breakthrough, DB authorities remain uncertain about the specific motive behind the murder.

DB officials emphasized that the circumstances surrounding Anar’s murder continue to be veiled in mystery, as it is unclear who stood to gain financially or politically from his death. Investigations are ongoing to determine the motive conclusively.

DMP Additional Commissioner (DB) Mohammad Harun Or Rashid disclosed these details during a press conference at the DMP Media Center.

He reiterated that while Anar’s murder undoubtedly had a motive, pinpointing it definitively remains a challenge.
“All seven individuals implicated in the murder of MP Anar have been apprehended,” Harun Or Rashid confirmed.
Anar, a popular member of parliament, was reportedly lured to Sanjiba Garden under the pretext of financial transactions, but the true reason behind his murder remains obscured.


“We are exploring all possible motives, including political and economic factors,” stated the DB chief.
The latest arrests of Faisal and Mostafizur Rahman will involve rigorous questioning and remand to ascertain all potential motives for the murder.

“I assure you, we are not making arbitrary accusations or harassing innocent individuals,” Harun Or Rashid asserted. “As soon as information about MP Anar’s murderers came to light, we swiftly apprehended mastermind Shimul Bhuiyan.

Subsequently, Tanvir and Sylista Rahman provided statements under Section 164 in court. Our investigations then led us to Sanjiba Gardens in Kolkata.”

“We identified two other accomplices, Faisal Bhuiyan and Mostafizur Rahman, hiding in Patal Kali Mandir between Phatikchari and Sitakunda in Khagrachari, disguised in red dhotis to evade capture,” added the DB chief. “We apprehended them on Wednesday after casting a wide net and conducting extensive surveillance.
