Customers willing to pay premium price for fish, reveals BAU study


Staff Reporter, Mymensingh :

The Results Dissemination and Policy Co-Creation Workshop on “Enhancing Food Safety in Fish and Chicken Value Chains of Bangladesh” was held on Monday (20 May 2024) at the BARC Auditorium, Farmgate in the capital. In the inaugural session, former State Minister, Planning Prof Dr. Shamsul Alam was present as chief guest.
The major findings have come from the research are customers are willing has to pay the premium price for purchasing the fish. They added farmers have good attitude with less knowledge and practices on safe fish production.
Prof Dr. Emdadul Haque Chowdhury, Vice Chancellor of Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU) was chief patron in the workshop. Dr. Shaikh Mohammad Bokhtiar, Executive Chairman of BARC and Dr. Md. Zulfikar Ali, Director General of Bangladesh Fishery Research Institute (BFRI), were special guests and Former Director General of BFRI Dr. M Gulam Hussain was present as the key discussant in the workshop. Prof Dr. KM Mostafizur Rahman, Dean, Faculty of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, and Chairman of the Bureau of Socioeconomic Research and Training (BSERT), BAU presided over the inaugural session.
In the workshop US PI and Prof of Texas State University, Prof Dr. Madan M. Dey and Prof Dr. Md. Saidur Rahman, host country Pl of the project were presented as keynote speakers, according to a press release. The project was funded by the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Food Safety, as part of Feed the Future, the U.S. government’s global hunger and food security initiative led by USAID and implement by the host (Bangladesh) country Pl and U.S. PI from Texas State University.
This results-sharing workshop organized by the Institutions were Bangladesh Agricultural University, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh Food Safety Authority and Texas State University, USA
In the second Policy Session, Prof Dr. Md. Kawser Ahmed, Member (Secretary), General Economics Division, Planning Commission, People’s Republic of Bangladesh, was Chief Guest and Emeritus Prof Dr. M. A. Sattar Mandal, former Vice Chancellor of BAU was present as Guest of Honour.
Prof Dr. Md. Saidur Rahman, host country Pl of the project Chaired the policy session. Co PI and Associate Prof of Dhaka University Dr. Samina Lutfa and Prof Dr. Hasneen Jahan of BAU delivered vote of thanks on the workshop.
Different University teachers, representatives of the government and non-governmental organizations, researchers and the private sector representatives, Farmers participated in the workshop.