Customer awareness week inaugurated


Business Report :

The Financial Integrity and Customer Services Department (FICSD) of Bangladesh Bank organised an inaugural ceremony of Customer Awareness Week-2024, for financial security of Rajshahi region supported by Islami Bank Bangladesh PLC at Chapainwabganj on Saturday. Nurul Amin, executive director of Bangladesh Bank Head Office was present in the programme as chief guest at Chapainawabganj Club, reads a press release.
Md Mortuz Ali, executive director, Bangladesh Bank Bogra Office and Rup Ratan Pine, executive director, Bangladesh Bank Rajshahi Office and Mohammad Qaisar Ali, additional managing director of Islami Bank Bangladesh PLC addressed the programme as special guest.
Shayema Islam, director, FICSD, Bangladesh Bank presided over the meeting.
The programme started with welcome speech of Mohammad Mahenur Alam, additional director and head of FICSD Strategic Communication Team of Bangladesh Bank.
Executive Director Md Nurul Amin said that Bangladesh is moving forward and banks and financial institutions have to provide sincere customer service to build a developed and prosperous nation by 2041 by materializing Smart Bangladesh. Use of technology is increasing in banking sector. We have to aware the customers about use of technology so that they are not victim of any fraudulent activities. For this, the Bankers have to know the use of technology first.
He said import costs have increased due to various global challenges, adding that expatriate Bangladeshis and their relatives should be more aware and responsible for sending remittance in legal channel to overcome the challenges.
He said, under the close supervision of Bangladesh Bank, the quality of service and accountability in the financial sector has increased to a large extent. All banking and financial transactions are now at hand, he said. Keeping the pace with the world, the country’s financial sector is gradually moving towards digitization. Bangladesh Bank has taken initiative to set up digital bank to accelerate this progress. He urged all concerned to come forward to increase awareness among customers to make these initiatives successful.
Shayema Islam said, FICSD has been working for preserving the interest of all customers in home and abroad. She said, alongside introducing new technologies we are facing multifarious risks. Our Vigilance and Anti-Fraud Division and Technical Services Division are working to mitigate the risks. She called upon all to work for creating customer awareness to ensure safe customer services.
A good number of audio visual was presented in the program. Moreover, a directional presentation was made on the occasion of Customer Awareness Week alongside different issues related to customer awareness. A power point presentation on Complain Management was given on behalf of Islami Bank Bangladesh PLC.
The programme was participated by senior executives and officials of Bangladesh Bank head office, Bangladesh Bank Rajshahi Office and Bangladesh Bank Bogra office, Islami Bank Bangladesh PLC, representatives and customers of different Banks and Financial Institutions in the Rajshahi region.
The Customer Awareness Week titled “Build awareness for financial security” will be observed from 2-6 June.