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Cold-related diseases surge in Ishwardi

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Ishwardi (Pabna) Correspondent :

Ishwardi and surrounding areas are shivering in severe winter. The bone-chilling winter has been prevailing for several days.

On Friday (December 3), the temperature in Ishwardi was 9.6 degrees Celsius. The previous day on Thursday, the temperature dropped to 10 degrees.

The temperature was fluctuating between 12 degrees for a few days before this. In addition to the drop in temperature, the normal life of the people has been interrupted by the unusual winter due to the cold north wind. Low income earners are suffering the most.

People’s life has come to a standstill due to severe winter for several days. Common people have to suffer. In the meantime, people of different ages including children and old people are suffering from diarrhea and cold-related diseases.

The number of patients suffering from fever, cold, cough, diarrhea and pneumonia is increasing every day. In this, the number of patients is increasing in drug stores, community clinics, health complexes. Others are running to private hospitals and doctors. Hospitalized with cold-related ARI or respiratory tract infection and diarrhoea.

On Friday (December 3), it was reported that the number of cold patients has increased due to the increase in the severity of winter last week. And children are more affected by it. Along with this, diarrhea and pneumonia are increasing. However, children are more affected by pneumonia.

According to the information of the health complex, more than a hundred patients are receiving treatment from the upazila health complex every day. Most of them are suffering from fever, cold, cough, diarrhea and pneumonia. Hospitalization is advised for those who are more affected.

Doctors say that children and the elderly are suffering from these diseases due to climate change. They are suffering from these diseases especially due to cold air with thick fog from evening and dawn till 10 am. As a result, many are rushing to get treatment at the drug store, community clinic or upazila health complex.

Upazila Health and Family Planning Officer Dr. Ali Ehsan said that the number of people suffering from fever, cold, cough, diarrhea and pneumonia has increased due to cold in the winter season.
Many people suffering from cold, fever and diarrhea are coming for treatment every day. Among these patients, the number of children from four years to two and a half years is more.
However, children under one year of age are at risk.

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