CCC, CDA to work together for port city’s development


Chattogram Bureau :

Chattogram City Corporation (CCC) and Chattogram Development Authority (CDA) will work together to avoid inconsistency for the sake of Chattogram city’s development, the two top executives of the two organizations have announced.
The newly appointed chairman of CDA, veteran freedom fighter Md. Younus welcomed CCC Mayor Rezaul Karim Chowdhury with floral greetings while the mayor arrived from Japan on Wednesday (May 1) afternoon. In a lively conversation, these two soldiers of the 1971 battlefield announced to work together to advance the city.
At this time the city mayor Rezaul Karim Chowdhury said that CCC and CDA should work jointly for the development of Chattogram, especially if the city is to be freed from water logging, there is no alternative to the coordination of the two institutions Apart from this, the canal digging project being done by CDA will also reduce the mosquitoes in the city if properly managed.
Together with the newly appointed Chairman of the CDA, Mohammad Yunus said we will work together on every task, starting from ensuring the normal water flow of the city by digging canals to building the beautiful Chattogram. We fought together to liberate the country on the call of Bangabandhu. This time our fight is to advance Chittagong. Councilors and officers of various wards of CCC were present at this time.