Notorious criminal held with LG in Manikganj Manikganj Correspondent Manikganj Sadar thana police in a drive arrested a notorious criminal and recovered a country...
UNB, Gazipur : The wife of an assistant superintendent of police (ASP) allegedly committed suicide by hanging herself in Ratkhola area of Sadar upazila...
Barisal Corresapondent : Building construction workers holding a rally on Monday in the city demanded hard enforcement of building construction code with complete insurance...
Barisal Correspondent. : Murdered dead bodies of a mother and her son were recovered from their residence at Christian community populated Uttar Dehegati Chirstian...
Kulaura (Moulvibazar) Correspondent : Miscreants set fire to 25,000 primary school books in polling centres of Cholimgonj Preimary High School in Kamalgonj Upazila of...
Reuters,Washington :Washington is working to push through contracts for tens of billions of dollars in arms sales to Saudi Arabia, some new, others in...