Entertainment Report :The movie '840,' directed by Mostafa Sarwar Farooki, starring popular actress Nusrat Imrose Tisha and National Film Award winning actress Zakia Bari...
Entertainment Report :At a time when many of the mainstream musicians in the country remained eerily silent, two rappers, Hannan Hossain Shimul and Muhammad...
Entertainment Report :Musician and presenter Dithi Anwar has completed 30 years last year with music. Her journey in the world of music started with...
Entertainment Report :Rajib and Konal are two popular musicians of the current generation in the music arena of Bangladesh. Both started their journey professionally...
Entertainment Report :Asif Akbar and Imran Mahmudul are set to introduce their latest track titled 'Mon Jane' scheduled for release in the opening week...
Entertainment Desk :Shakib Khan’s involvement in the Bangladesh Premier League (BPL) came as an exciting surprise for his fans. To show support for his...
Entertainment Desk :With the aim of training children in filmmaking, the Children’s Television Foundation of Bangladesh (CTFB), a non-governmental organisation, organised a 5-day workshop...