Call to build resistance against conspiracies to topple govt


Dilip Barua, general secretary of Samyabadi Dal of Bangladesh (M-L) urged country’s progressive forces to build united resistance against the conspiracies to topple the government.
The Samyabadi Dal chief made this appeal on Wednesday at a press conference at Sagar-Runi auditorium of Dhaka Reporters Unity at Segunbagicha in the city. In his written statement, Dilip Barua, also former Industries Minister, said, “A vested quarter remains active in conspiracy to change the government before its tenure is over on the plea of holding an acceptable election raising question on the January 5 parliament polls.”
He alleged that the evil forces of militancy and fascism as the lackey of national and international cronies have been proceeding with various ill-designs to capture state power. “The evil forces which are united under the leadership of BNP chairperson Begum Khaleda Zia have been hatching conspiracy to change the present government prematurely,” Dilip Barua added. The Samyabadi Dal general secretary called upon the progressive forces to remain united under the leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina keeping trust in people’s power to resist the conspiracy to change the government.
Politburo members of the party Lutfur Rahman, Dhiren Singha and Abu Hamed Shahabuddin, central committee members Advocate Dhiren Saha, Moshahed Ahmed and Haroon Chowdhury were present at the press conference, among others.
After the press conference, National Awami Party (NAP) presidium member MA Gani joined Samyabadi Dal. Dilip Barua received the new entrant to his party presenting him a bouquet.
