BUET tops at ‘Signal Cup’ contest in Italy


Campus Report :
Two teams from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) have got success in the ‘Signal Processing Cup-2014’ competition arranged by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) this year.
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) was held at Florence, Italy from 04 May – 09 May 2014. The competition was arranged for the first time with this conference. The competitors had to find out a practical solution of the problem using various methods and techniques of signal processing. BUET got the success in the competition.
Subject of the competition:
The subject of the competition was image Restoration/Super Resolution for single particle analysis. X-Ray Crystallography and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) method is used for analysis and to comprehend the speed – nature of the elements of protein within Genome or other atomic elements derived from protein.
There are some limitations in these systems, which has to be solved by the help of Electronic Microscope (EM). Three-dimensional images captured firstly and then convert them to two-dimensional and then analyze them. But these small particles images are not clear enough.
The main subject of the competition was to increase the Resolution, Sharpness and remove the Noises by keeping the data of these Proteins images.